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Company Driver In Training
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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You check out Millis, they have a training school in Cartersville, GA and from Columbus, you could go OTR or SE Regional. There in the Company-Sponsored Training Section. They give you unlimited time to back, small classes no more than 12, mine had 6.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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3 or 4 psi loss on pre trip exam
3psi in a minute or less for non combination vehicle, 4 psi or less loss on combination vehicle.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Awesome. I was hoping to get someone who was going through the same thing. My husband has been teasing me about being a small Asian woman driver behind that wheel learning all this new stuff.
Oh never mind, you definitely look for a school who use automatics. JK
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Many States CDL driving tests no longer have a 90 backing maneuver anymore, so don't let it get to you.
I 68 & I 79 - I travel that periodically when hauling hazmat that can't go on the penna turnpike. Any reason you chose that name? Those folks in cumberland MD must be used to the smell of brakes....
It's the secret location of my town, for those who know what city those two Interstates intersect. I don't actually reside there anymore but it's home to me.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Many States CDL driving tests no longer have a 90 backing maneuver anymore, so don't let it get to you.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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My company has them, and yes if you have been doing something you shouldn't like texting or falling asleep and then you have an "incident" your screwed. However, when that 4 wheeler cuts you off and slams on the brakes and you have no stopping distance now, that camera just saved your a$$. They record 15 seconds prior to the "incident" and 15 seconds after and no they can't just turn it on you and watch you. You'll know when it's recording and "uploading" an incident. They are set off when the truck experiences any sudden movements like a swerve, or hard braking, or fast acceleration, basically anything that moves the sensor (think it's a little pendulum) and then the 30 second record using cell signal is uploaded to your company's safety manager. I've seen some videos and even when there's no actual "accident" but product has been damaged due ex ordinary measures to avoid an idiot 4 wheeler, the camera recorded or the drive hit the button and recorded the license plate of that 4 wheeler and sued their insurance carrier for the damaged product they caused in the box. The driver is exonerated because of the camera. I welcome it and want it in my truck, just don't be doing the wrong thing like playing with your phone when you run over someone ;)
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Are there jobs my wife can do in the cab while I drive?
I did this for a while, it's pretty time flexible and before I screwed it up and got kick off I was making a couple hundred a month doing very little effort each day and it was growing. Check out Drop Shipping on EBay. You wouldn't believe that say something selling on Amazon or Walmart.com for say $20 could and does every minute sell on EBay for $30. You just buy off Amazon and ship it directly to your EBay customer. Got to be free shipping and returns. I use to for instance, take a Cabellas camp kitchen they had on their site for $99 and sell one or two a week all spring and summer long on EBay and Amazon for $149. My problem was a few people caught wind of my mark up (Walmart ships in boxes that say Walmart, ugh) and complained and EBay suspended my account and well I moved on to this career, but I just need a few minutes twice a day at most to process the orders, and that's it. The one catch is you need some capital, as you have buy and ship the products before you get payment from either EBay and Amazon pays every two weeks only. PayPal helped speed things up.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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My company pays additional .05 cents a mile after 3 weeks out, so you keep out from week 4 to infinity and get .05 on top of running like hell. Know a guy who started almost a year ago and he's only take two home times and once stay out for like 7 months. He said he had so debts to pay and was like you.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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I got my CDL-A Permit!