Fairfax, VA
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Rookie Solo Driver
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Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Engine brakes on 2016 peterbilt 579
Our new International and some of the Freightshakers do the same thing. It's set that way from the factory but can be adjusted by the dealership to engage when you lift off the throttle. There's a few people who have complained where I work as to why in the world would you want to have to ride the brakes to use the Jake.
I hate it
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Engine brakes on 2016 peterbilt 579
Unfortunately I drive an automatic now. they do not come on when I release. that's how my freightliner worked
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Work Zone Speed Limit. Rookie question
On I65 south of Nashville there has been a construction zone for many years. One section was complete, but the posted sign was still 60mph. City and State Troops worked that area often. People thought that just because it was complete that they could run 70. The way I understand it, until the sign says different, the posted speed is the speed.
Remember recently when Arkansas changed the truck speed, the state was informing truckers to obey the posted speed, even though the law had changed, until they could get out and change the signs.
That's how I have played my cards. thanks for all the info guys. This site is really helpful
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Want to know your thoughts on Swift
As a seasoned rookie I can tell you I learned the most by asking drivers questions. At truck stops, in the yard, at other DCs. Just be careful what you believe. Especially about other companies. I have personally noticed a lot of people who bash swift are ex drivers and most that like swift still drive for them and LOVE swift. I have also noticed a lot of drivers are crybabies and those are the ones that don't get the good loads, get loads taken away from them. I drive dedicated dollar tree so miles aren't as important as your unload pay so it also depends on wether you are otr or dedicated when getting advice from another driver. And most im portant of all DO NOT READ MESSAGE BOARDS. I almost did not sign up with USX because of what I read and it was the best choice of my life. Brand new truck, grossing over 1k a week, and home every weekend. Find the good drivers wherever you go. Get their phone #s and ask questions relentlessly. Never feel like a question is stupid no matter how simple. You will find out the good ones will always take time to help us new guys out.
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Work Zone Speed Limit. Rookie question
@ Pat M:
Id rather be safe than sorry.
There's your answer right there. Don't let anyone else drive your truck for you. Do what you feel comfortable with regardless of what others do, because as Pat said, they're the ones who will get the ticket.
10 4
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Engine brakes on 2016 peterbilt 579
So I trained on a 2010 Freightliner for almost 2 months. The engine brakes were on the right side of the steering wheel and were fairly self explanatory. You pulled the handle down up to 3 different settings and the brakes engaged. Upon upgrading I was fortunate enough to be assigned a brand spanking new 2016 peterbilt 579 . The seats still had plastic and I got too see the 5th wheel greased for the first time! I am ecstatic about the truck, I love it to death even though I miss my 10 speed even though my left leg doesn't but I am very confused about my engine brakes. I have 2 buttons to the left of my steering wheel. One is to turn the brakes on and the other hasthe 3 speed settings. But they don't engage immediately upon pressing them like the freightliner. It seems they come on after a few seconds of applying my brakes and then disengage after releasing. I have searched through my manual to no avail. Anyone familiar with this and know the proper procedure to use them? I can only keep them going if I keep my foot on the pedal but I don't know if I will burn out my brakes keeping it the pedal held down going down a steep grade. I find myself snub braking with engine brakes lol
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Work Zone Speed Limit. Rookie question
@ Pat M:
So basically what you are saying Pat is that even though there is no workers present or active zone lights flashing,if you are going though the 55 mph zone at 65 you could still get a ticket? Id rather be safe than sorry.
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Work Zone Speed Limit. Rookie question
I run Dollar tree dedicated so I often run the same routes and same construction zones. I hate disrupting the flow of traffic but at the same time im not going the speed limit of the highway through these zones until I am 100 % sure. I have removed my CB radio so I do not hear what other truckers say when they blow by me at 70 mph
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Work Zone Speed Limit. Rookie question
That's kind of what I figured. I have not noticed any writing under the signs and I am a fairly observant person. For example, quite often the first sign I see is a work zone then a speed limit of 55. No other writing indicating wether it is active or inactive. So if the work zone is not active and I go through it( equipment and barrels still set up but no workers) am I ok resuming my normal speed?
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Tractor trailer 'mowed cars down' in 9-vehicle crash
And it is the scumbags like this that give us professionals a bad rap. After they found the text messages selling pills for $ his cdl should have been yanked. Looks like among all the victims he took out a whole family. Just sad