Profile For Bird-One

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    Rookie Solo Driver

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    9 years, 2 months ago

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Posted:  1 week, 4 days ago

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Is this a problem?

This guy certainly wouldn’t think so.


Posted:  2 weeks ago

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We would love to hear your opinions on the coaching experience!

A good portion of the members of this forum have been driving for several years,and have been active on this forum for that same amount of time.

It would appear to me based on interactions I’ve seen on here, we all do our best to be safe out here in the road. We don’t need coaching or incentives to do so.

Posted:  1 month, 2 weeks ago

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Craigslist ads

Man it’s been awhile since I’ve looked through those ads. I honestly thought Craigslist was pretty much dead. I’ll have to look at em for amusement later. They are definitely enticing though to someone who just doesn’t know.

Posted:  1 month, 2 weeks ago

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The TruckingTruth Meet Up Thread

Glad we were able to make it happen man. Even though you had to drive almost an hour to get to the store, and wait another 25 minutes for me to get there, to talk for about 15 minutes lol.

Got the opportunity to meet Bird-One today. Thanks for teaching me about your gig!


Posted:  1 month, 3 weeks ago

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Calling Bird-One

Sounds good man. I usually have my paperwork by 230 and will know where I’m going. I’ll text you than. My route differs everyday

Posted:  1 month, 3 weeks ago

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Calling Bird-One

I don’t have enough seniority yet for the morning shifts. I’m on a 2 pm start time. Typically go till 2 am.

Posted:  1 month, 3 weeks ago

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You might be a trucker if….

If you reach to pop your brakes as you’re parking your car. Did that one for the first time recently.

Posted:  1 month, 3 weeks ago

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Calling Bird-One

Hey Sandman, next week is actually the first week in about a month that I have a day off. We’ve been required to go Monday thru Saturday.

Could either meet at a store after I get done unloading or somewhere on my day of Thursday. I’m out by oak lawn.

Posted:  2 months ago

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Preparedness for November to January.

Can’t say I’ve ever heard the term “double hater” used before.

It would appear the protesting has already started for the dnc in Chicago. For any otr drivers I’d recommend avoiding the area all together regardless of time for the entire week.

It’s going to be an interesting.



I saw this on a car last week. My thoughts exactly.


Me too. We have even been labeled - we're "Double Haters"

Posted:  2 months ago

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Preparedness for November to January.

You always were off your rocker when it came to politics Bruce do no surprise there 🤣

I drive for the largest grocery chain in Chicago, the suburbs, and NWI. I’m pretty nervous about it. All of our stores typically get delivered to multiple times a day. It will still be business as usual this week as of now. We were given pad locks for the roll up doors.

Sine I’ve only been with the company a year and a half I’m still very much considered a new guy. I can count on it that I’ll be in the city at some point this week.


I saw this on a car last week. My thoughts exactly.

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