If You ever came Across the craigslist ad about this company, stay away. The pay is horrible, the people that runs the company is horrible, the trucks are horrible, and the runs are horrible. they lie to get you to Utah then say they were honest with you. This company is so bootleg the feds are stepping in. one of there trailers brakes caught on fire yesterday and they wanted the driver to keep driving . If you love your life , stay away from Lobos. I just got my CDL from them Tuesday and I left them. You have been warned. If you think I'm lying call their number then ask yourself why do they have google voice phone numbers
This gentlemen was a student in the school. He never got his CDL. He was disrespectful to the school instructor and administrators on numerous occasions and was asked to leave before his driving test. And this was not the first school that he didn't finish. He failed his written more than once. Once the students receive their CDL they get into a truck to train on the road to get experience. This portion of the training is paid. This gentlemen never achieved this so he has no idea about the pay. The trucks are 2012 and newer, hardly terrible trucks.
For individuals who are SERIOUS about their career, free training is a pretty good option. Some people are just used to taking handouts and feel entitled. Sorry, sometimes you've got to man up and take responsibility for your actions.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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Anyone heard of Lobos Interstate Services?
This gentlemen was a student in the school. He never got his CDL. He was disrespectful to the school instructor and administrators on numerous occasions and was asked to leave before his driving test. And this was not the first school that he didn't finish. He failed his written more than once. Once the students receive their CDL they get into a truck to train on the road to get experience. This portion of the training is paid. This gentlemen never achieved this so he has no idea about the pay. The trucks are 2012 and newer, hardly terrible trucks.
For individuals who are SERIOUS about their career, free training is a pretty good option. Some people are just used to taking handouts and feel entitled. Sorry, sometimes you've got to man up and take responsibility for your actions.