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Considering A Career
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Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Seriously considering becoming a trucker
Well today I asked my parents and as I suspected the answer was no. They believe I need to find some where that is more suitable for as a job where they feel I wont fail. Thanks for all your help, but I feel this will be the last time I post here.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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It could be much, much worse, near a hog confinement on a hot humid day. Good god that smells, it's even worse when you're stuck behind the manure tanks on the highway and unable to pass.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Seriously considering becoming a trucker
So after searching this site for further information on Iowa Central and not finding enough to satisfy my needs, I asked a few more lengthy, but necessary questions to the schools' recruiter:
After much thought I am considering enrolling, still a few additional questions,
After reading the information e-mail, and reading on the student check list, before the start of class would I need to obtain a CDL-permit, I say this as on the check list it says, "$32 for permit" but on the information email it says to obtain before the start. Asking for clarification.
When regarding financial aid on the application form, what line would I check if I am not any of the listed(single parent, separated, ect) and (besides food), how much does the aid cover of the tuition and what would be needed to pay out of pocket?
Though not necessarily required, what other documents/papers could be sent that would be helpful?
And the MVR I mail to the DOT office in Des Monies, then they'll send you the report?
Finally out of curiosity what is the purpose for sending in a copy of the student check list?
The answer I got satisfied my needs, and hopefully help answers the questions of others looking at this school.
You do not have to have the permit prior to starting, unless you are a resident of another state. The permit it $12 and consists of gen knowledge, air brakes and combination tests. There is an option for single, on the application you would check the first space. If you qualify for the full pell $2908 and full loan $4750 this is enough to cover tuition $5500, fees $800 and housing $500. You would not have to pay anything up front. The loan payments do not start for 6 months after graduation. And many companies offer tuition reimbursement that starts after your probationary period-usually 3 months. You would need to pay for your permit, license and food. The only documents that we need are: social security card, driver’s license, permit, copy of high school diploma or ged. We do not need the MVR if you are from Iowa, we will run that after you start class.
To show how serious I am, I printed out their entire admission forms, but I asked that financial aid question because on their forms the options to check are: Single Parent, Married, Separated, Divorced, Widowed. So what check single parent even though i'm not one?
But their student housing is enough to sell the $500 price tag, brand new. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10154145852354608&id=206510929607
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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ok truckers as most of you know, I was on the hunt for a company paid CDL program. Im leaning more towards TMC rather than PAM. any thoughts? or TMC drivers want to give me advice on the company?
It just so happens about six hours ago I received an e-mail from one of their recruiters: ----------------------------
angelynna.trejo@tmctrans.com 4:03 PM (3 hours ago)
to me Hi Zachary, I am interested in talking to you about a career with TMC. We currently offer a program to help individuals who qualify in obtaining a Class A CDL or upgrading to a Class A CDL and employment with our company after. Our first year driver’s average $55,000/year and top earners make over $80,000. Please give me a call today directly at 515-974-3419 to discuss your qualifications and the opportunities available at TMC. If you would like to pursue our driving opportunities and you want to move through the employment process more quickly, please fill out our full driver application at APPLY NOW, or click HERE to see why you should start a career with TMC! TMC Benefits · 90 % of our drivers are home every weekend · Our first year drivers average $55,000 and an experience driver averages $62,000/yr. · Full Benefits (Health, Dental, Vision) · Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) · 401K/Flex Spending Accounts · Paid Weekly Direct Deposit · Rider Program · Peterbilt Equipment Assigned To You · Apprenticeship Program approved for the GI Bill® TMC’s qualifications are listed below: No more than three moving violations in the last three years Solid work history No DUI’s less than 10 years old Must be able to pass all DOT requirements Thank you for your interest in TMC and I look forward to working with you to achieve your career goals. . Angelynna Trejo Driver Recruiter TMC Transportation- An Employee-Owned Company Direct: 515-974-3419 Toll free: 800-247-2862 ext. 3 Fax: 888-556-4623 www.tmctrans.com
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Now I'm one that enjoys camping, real camping with no power or running water and what we do if some one need's or want to take a shower they either wash in the river(the shampoo does cover up the river water smell ) or they use their solar shower. Since obviously we're camping (trees and all) it gets luke to medium warm. But it works, for those in the family who are very hygiene aware they use it every day. My older second cousins(both women) will walk into the river and wash their hair.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Seriously considering becoming a trucker
Zach, The biggest thing Im having trouble comprehending is that your 25, yet you say your parents wont let you? When people asked what my family thought about me leaving my healthcare career behind to become a truck driver, my respinse was "I have no idea because I didnt ask their permission."
Well my parents are very good at as i said make me second guess myself, or make me feel guilty for not helping. My mom has for 20+ years had a bad hip, bad knees and has arthritis, which with me at home I do give her more independence than she would not have. And lets say my dad likes to try to control other people, try to separate from that and he gets angry. I have two other siblings(one 36 and another 38), and for the most part they think I should shoulder the responsibility of staying home and helping and also try to guilt trip me(doesn't work very often). Simply put though I've openly admitted that I want to live on my own, it's always the excuses and the guilt tripping "Who's going to help your/our mom if she falls?"
And to add finally, unlike many people here I am not for the most part financially independent, since that housekeeping job was only part-time for those 4 years and at most I only made 4,000 a year and when you drive a gas guzzler over 60% of each paycheck went for gas(and that was when prices were over $3.50). So I always feel i'm in a corner with no way out.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Seriously considering becoming a trucker
For the past 1.5 years I have been stalking this website/forum and many others like it, scouring information about all the kinds of CDL schools, both company sponsored and colleges' and advice given to many others. When I started this look up, at the time is came from mere curiosity, then it moved to fascination, to where I am today, where in I'm almost ready to "Pull the trigger".
To start as to why, well it was in March, 2015 and at the time I was 3.5 years in at working laundry and housekeeping at a small family owned nursing home(and for 95% of that time being the ONLY guy working there), and I was getting tired of doing the same thing everyday and never feeling I was accomplishing anything. So I started browsing jobs, and just typed in google "How to become a truck driver", I was more curious than anything and read some of the pros and cons. However I closed it out and moved on because according to my mom and dad "who wants to live like that".
Then August 1, 2015 comes along, the nursing home was sold to some guy who has a lot of experience with running successful* care facilities, that is when a lot of CNA's, LPN's started to leave, and after a month or two afterwards is when I really started to hate working there, the whole culture of the place changed. He came in promising higher wages, ect, though working there for then 4 years I saw my hourly rate drop from $8.90 to $8.50(no explanation given), then he started to purge the older LPN/CNA's (cutting their hours or firing them). I did my best to stay on his good side, but my supervisor(who was widely hated, even by the former owners), she really hated me and did everything to get me in trouble and openly admitted to some one she wanted to get me fired anyway.
*The nursing home is now being threatened by the state to be closed since the quality of care has really gone down along with the number of residents.
February 1, 2016 comes around and at the end of the day I am informed that my position has been terminated, because I "falsified Nursing Home documents" (working in laundry, you don't do any paperwork) and for posting a joke that the new owner found to be very inappropriate . Ironically two of the administers found nothing wrong with the joke.
Since then though I have actively been searching for jobs, from almost every category(construction, manufacturing, Sales associate, warehouse,) only apply for jobs that have "No Experience Required", I would figure since I have never been arrested for anything, no driving convictions that are on my record(I was pulled over for seat belt during Memorial Day Weekend in 2013, but it didn't go on my record), no traffic accidents, I have no allergies. And after applying for (i've lost count) maybe 70+ jobs. Two interviews and plenty of "You're not who we're looking for", I live in rural Northern Iowa, but lucky for me the largest metro area is the Waterloo/Cedar Falls(home to 95% of the jobs I've applied for), but still no luck.
So since late August I have been seriously considering trucking, not out of desperation, but since I have no plans on going to college(I don't want to go that far into debt) and the town where I live a few people are truckers and live pretty well, one owns a business with 15 employees on the side(and just built a new building). I'm single and almost 25, but since i've spent 4 years working at a dead end job I do live with my parents(my mom is disabled so it does make sense.) But i'm longing to live my own life to say "be my own man".
So I have been pouring many hours looking at the many options, some of the company sponsored schools I looked at were Swift, CR England, Roehl, CRST, Prime and then local community colleges who also offer courses, but each time I keep coming back to my preference, Iowa Central CC. I have already asked some base questions, and showed my interest, though don't know of any better questions to ask which would require lengthy explanations.
But have yet to tell my parents, and they have never been very supportive of my ideas of what I want to do. The question my dad insists I answer is "Where you are going to get the money?" "Do you even know what you're doing". At which I second guess myself and submit to the idea that I don't know what i'm doing and give up. But this time though, after spending 1.5 years thinking about it, I know what i'm doing and want to do, but not too sure they'll help me or let me.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Seriously considering becoming a trucker
Its not that they just said no, simply they just didn't want to listen to what I wanted, it was only their needs they wanted for m to see. They both agreed if I got a job, then maybe we'll talk about it latter, but that iswhat they said when I fisrt got a job for college.