Profile For G-Rod

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    Kansas City, MO

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    Rookie Solo Driver

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Posted:  8 years, 6 months ago

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Part-time dock to full time FedEx Road Driver in 10 months!

Sorry for the late reply....been busy. Yeah 6 string, rail runs as in intermodal work, taking trailers to the rail yard. I've done a few now, so it's getting better, just confusing getting in and out of the place. It will be "years" before I see a bid run. Unless like 12 guys retire at once. And probably at least 1-2 years or so to wiggle onto the extra board. Seeing some driving (anywheres from 650-1400 miles/wk, depending on if I get kicked out or not) and a lot of dock work right now, just gotta put my time in. And I've done pretty good with the night time adjustment. Does kinda suck losing half of my Saturday cause of getting home in the morning and having to take a 3-4 nap to make it through the day. But the money kinda makes up for it. It's a little stressful on the wife and kids, but they are being supportive since this has gotten me out of a job I hated, plus a greater opportunity for a better living. You would probably consider my terminal "small," but we have about 35 linehaulers. 120 dock doors. The terminal I shuttle to 32 miles away has 300 dock doors, but don't know how many linehaul drivers, quite a few. And then yeah there's a couple I've been to with 20-30-40 dock doors, and like you said only about 5 linehaulers. But overall so far, I'm enjoying it. None of it it is "hard" by any means. Bout to be my "bedtime" right now, so that's where I'm head to to get ready for tonight. :)

Posted:  8 years, 6 months ago

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Part-time dock to full time FedEx Road Driver in 10 months!

Oh yeah, I'm liking it. It's an "easy" job. Gotta pay attention, but really pretty simple for what we get paid. Only thing that would make it better would be straight driving and no dock work. I'm a little nervous about winter coming, gonna have to see how that goes. I've surprisingly taken to nights pretty good. As long as I get my sleep during the day, it hasn't been a problem for me. Yes and I agree, not having to deal with customers is great in itself. Gate times are ridiculous sometimes, as they don't account for ANY type of mishap. And not big on doing rail runs. But other than that stuff, piece of cake. :)

Posted:  8 years, 6 months ago

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Part-time dock to full time FedEx Road Driver in 10 months!

Anyone who's interested in making good money, just letting you know it's possible. Long story short, hated my last job, gave 10 years of dedicated service bending over backwards whenever needed, and never got anywhere for it. So I found LTL Linehaul and decided to go for it. I started working at FedEx as a part time dock worker while still working my full time job (don't quite one without another one ready to go). After about 2 months of working I started talking to my manager and asking questions about the Driver Apprenticeships they offer. He was very easily approachable and always made time to talk to me. Went and got my CDL permit with help from the training tests on this site and just waited for an apprenticeship job to be posted. As soon as I saw the job post, I went straight to my manager and he logged me on to an internal computer, and I filled out the application. Then he immediately walked me into the Road Manager's office and told him I just applied. Answered a few questions in a piece of cake "interview" about a week later and was hired on full time for the apprenticeship. Did about 3 weeks off and on in the yard hostling to practice moving and backing of all different types of trailers. Then started the apprenticeship with a one on one instructor for 4 weeks with 2 remedial weeks if needed. Passed everything the first time with no remedials needed. After that, I did one road week with a road coach driving his route. After that, I was cut loose on my own! Been driving solo now for about 2 months. It's not to bad at all. Starting off, because of seniority it's a lot of dock work. I basically run what they call shuttles from my terminal to a bigger terminal 32 miles away, work the dock most of the night and come back in the morning. However, some nights I get double turns, and for the last couple weeks I've been kicked out a lot for road runs. Plus, it's a good thing when the older guys take days off too, cause us new guys get to fill in for them on those runs, so that gets us the mileage and off the dock. There's some BS here and there, but you'll have that at any job. So I'm grateful for the opportunity, it's gotten me out of the job I hated and I'm making way more money with potential to make real good money in the future. I'm ranging from $850 to $1050 a week right now AFTER taxes. And, P.S., since I went through the apprenticeship I didn't have to pay for a CDL school either, and was paid for all of the training. So far, I'm digging it. It's a little tough on the family with working nights and all, but the wife likes the money coming in. If you're thinking about it, go for it. It's attainable!

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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What a Jerk some 4-wheelers can be.... but I never saw this before.....

I think they should incorporate some sort of truck driving activity when getting a standard driving license. Do it at an airport or something where there's a lot of room, and make people have to get in these big trucks and try to shift them, and stop abruptly, and back them up and stuff. Then I think people would have a lot more respect for truckers and driving around them.

Posted:  8 years, 9 months ago

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FedEx Road Driver Apprentice (LTL Linehaul)

Congrats KaSandra. I haven't been on here in a while. I just got started on my apprenticeship last Monday. It's been quite the process. There were 2 other guys in training before me so I think that has slowed me down. When I first got hired I did bout 3 days in the corner of our yard doin just backing maneuvers in a hostler. Then I did about a week and a half hostling in the yard. Then, I went back to the dock for about 2 more weeks, then back in the hostler for a week for more practice. And started the apprenticeship last Monday. Instructor says I'm doin great on everything, but my pretrip sucked......only because I'm not motor smart so I had to learn all the parts and what to look for. Fast forward to today, and for the most part have the pretrip down. Just polishing up a few things. Just came back from a little cruise around our industrial park practicing shifting, braking, and turning. On lunch now, and then heading out on the road. Excited and nervous at the same time. Plus its raining so I get to learn in the rain lol. Thats where I'm sitting in my apprenticeship right now.

You said you have already been through trucking school? If that is the case, this should mostly all just be a refresher for you. Good luck!

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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FedEx Road Driver Apprentice (LTL Linehaul)

Well 6 string, at 35, and what I feel like has been not much in the way of opportunities in life thus far due to being deemed "stupid" by the work world because of only a high school diploma, and being stuck in a dead end warehouse job at $40K/year for the last 10 years with weak a$$ 2-3% a year raises, with an opportunity like this to make double and potentially more......I feel like I will MAKE IT WORK.

It's the people like myself who these corporations constantly pass up because of a $50,000 piece of paper that have no idea the amount of drive and will to succeed someone has when they are given the chance.

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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FedEx Road Driver Apprentice (LTL Linehaul)

Ugh, no, I have not seen nor heard of any day runs for line haul here. All nights. Starting off, all I'd be doing for the first couple years is taking a set from our smaller terminal to a bigger bulk break terminal (I think that's what I heard you call it) about 45 miles away, work their dock for 5-6 hours, then take another set back to home terminal in the morning. Until seniority is built up. Not jumping straight to the road all night, but it may be somewhat good because it will allow my body to get use to being awake all night. I know if I'm moving and doing dock work it shouldn't be a problem, but I know sitting in a dark truck all night alone can definitely make your body want to go to sleep.

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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FedEx Road Driver Apprentice (LTL Linehaul)

So last night I spent 3 hours in the yard in a hostler buggy, hooking and unhooking and moving around a pup trailer. Just practicing back and a little maneuvering on my own. I don't think I did too bad. Spent 4 years driving a straight truck so some of that came back to me. Seems like the pups react kind fast to turning when backing. Seems like they would react faster than a 53 footer. Might find that out tonight.

Road manager told me he should have a conditional offer for me in the next day or two. Pretty much means I'm in!

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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FedEx Road Driver Apprentice (LTL Linehaul)

Yeah, once I did the math myself, that does seem a little embellished. I think top scale is around $0.64/mile right now.

I still have gotten the official word, but did the drug test and DOT physical last Friday. And I'm supposed to be getting some hostler time tonight. Not sure if they are just going have me drive a hostler buggy around the yard or what exactly, but it's another step in the right direction.

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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FedEx Road Driver Apprentice (LTL Linehaul)

Thanks guys. Yeah should eventually be doubles, however, starting out, I believe it will just be a pup for a little while. Another thing I think is good about FedEx is it seems like they take the time to actually train people. They invest in the people they hire. Even when I was hired for a part time dock position, I did 6-7 days of just computer training......watching videos, taking quiz, ect. Then once making it to the dock, another 12-13 days with a mentor walking me through their process and procedures. So I'm pretty confident they'll put a good amount of time into me as a driver.

And another thing about FedEx, usually when applying for jobs they say tip toe around salary expectations and stuff. Don't act like the money is all you care about. Pshhhh, here I had my current dock boss, and the road manager I was applying to throwing salary info at me. He said he believes his lowest guy is making right around $60K/year (starting out). He said after 3-4 years more like $80K/year. And he said his top seniority guy does nothing but one run 600 miles a day (300 each way) mon-fri and is dragging down $120K-$130K!! That's lawyer and doctor money! You get a half hour wage for fueling, and half hour for hooking sets, and half hour for breaking sets.

So although 6 string loves OD, and I've heard multiple other drivers say great things about OD, FedEx doesn't seem too bad so far. And they are helping me get started, or giving me a CHANCE, and that's all I've really been looking for, an opportunity. So I'm gonna do my best to capitalize on it.

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