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Posted:  3 years, 8 months ago

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Companies that train felons?

It will show, according to our safety department

The only problem with CFI Trucking is there hair test, idk if CBD will show up on the test? I did it once about a month ago 🤷

Posted:  5 years, 7 months ago

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Whats the best Company to start off with. I have no experience.

Schneider is a good company

Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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What am I doing wrong?

So I'm on a 34 hour restart. Sitting here at the Swift terminal in El Paso Texas waiting on laundry to finish and I figured I'd post this. This is my 3rd consecutive weekend (I've been out here 3 weeks now) taking a 34 hour restart. Am I doing something wrong? Is there something I can do to stretch my hours out so I can get into recap? Could it actually be a good thing that I'm running hard enough to burn my 70 in 5-6 days this early in my career. Just not sure how to feel about it. I can't deliver my current load until tomorrow afternoon anyways so I would have been sitting anyways so it isn't really hurting my bottom line but I'm just curious what you all think.

Try running 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8, 6. I was given that advice from an experienced driver when I 1st started out and it worked out great for me.

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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8 people found dead in tractor trailer


My point is this, no one wants to comment, why? Because it's a bunch of brown people? Where the !@&$! Is your humanity?


Wait, you're from Illinois. Why aren't you talking about all the dead brown people in Chicago? Don't you care?

One day you may figure out that the people who stir up these feelings of outrage in you are not your friends. They want something else, whether it's money or votes or influence or something else. Meanwhile, it feels good to be superior, doesn't it? The question is, is it worth the stress and anger that goes along with it?

Having gone through that entire process, let me say that it's sad these people died, but I don't know any of them personally, so it doesn't affect me that much. These days I spend my energy on those who are closest to me.

I respect that. Normally I don't comment on stuff like that myself. But with ghetto current political, anti immigrant climate today, it effects me deeply. Especially, when you have children and they get taunted at school that they will be deported because of their heritage appalling me they are 3rd generation Americans, and never should have to hear that from anyone because of theits kind color

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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8 people found dead in tractor trailer

Even a freshman on the high school debate team knows that once someone starts hurling insults and names, he admits defeat. He can no longer use logic to validate his argument or refute his opponent's and resorts to such tactics.

I stated these people took a calculated risk and gave informed consent to be transported. They chose after careful consideration. You imply they could not have foreseen this outcome, despite the fact that even more people died in a similar situation in 2003. By your implication you are insulting the intelligence of the very people for whom you claim to have compassion. Hence you are calling them idiots. You did the same on the other thread when you stated the drivers were taken advantage of due to ignorance.

So who's the bigot? Me who assumes they are intelligent and make their own decision or you who wants to characterize them as unsuspecting victims?

Our servicemen police and firemen accept these calculated risks to their health and safety for the betterment of our society. Unfortunately they do not receive the amount of respect they deserve. These people did it for the betterment of their own situation and family. Taking that into consideration, perhaps we should release all the drug dealers, bank robbers, embezzlers and any other criminal whose crimes were about financial gain. People are calling for the death penalty for the driver. But wasn't he too just tying to help his family?

As for my goes out to the 8 year old girls of Swaziland who get raped by their AIDS infected teachers in the classroom because of the belief sex with a virgin will cure the disease.

My heart goes out to the girls who are held down by their mothers and grandmothers while their genitals are mutilated without anesthesia.

It goes out to the women in some countries who get stoned or set afire as punishment for being raped.

Where were you after 9/11? I spent my time off helping police and firefighters comb through the rubble to find victims and evidence.Do you really think we stopped to look at color?

Where were you after Katrina? I took a leave of absence from work to rent a U Haul to shuttle supplies all over the devastated areas.

Where is your outrage for the Haiti earthquake survivors who STIlL don't have running water or housing because elitists made their money and left?

Apparently none of that is important to you. Just "brown" people. Kinda sad you are so bigoted.

You claim you aided all these people at all these catastrophes, I don't know if you did , but you left out hurricane Sandy victims. Aren't you fron NJ? Did you go to Haiti, Houston, Florida, Puerto Rico? I am sick and tired of all bigoted people as yourself and the current president. I have put up with all this vs for my entire life, and to finally realize as a born and raised American citizen that neither I normally my kids are welcome because of people like you makes me disgusted. I support colin Kaepernick his beliefs and stance, I support DACA recipients. Our ancestors were on this continent long before Europeans were. My Grandparents were immigrants to this country and became naturalized citizens, my mother is American born citizen, I am American born, my children are American born. When Europeans came here, they were seeking a better life, hope, fleeing religious persecution. Same goes for the immigrants that come today, whether legal or illegal. The people that come to this country, are not only looking for a better life, but a chance to survive. Many people say we'll just vote the people in power out. Doesn't work that way. Not when the people fleeing don't have money or power. I viewed your comments as insensitive, and bigoted. I viewed the silence from the moderators the same or just plain scared. For 2 months I avoided this website, because I was angry, hurt and just plain disgusted with everything going on in this country right now. But aside cliche as it sounds, I found a bible based church and am learning to pray for those in need, and volunteer for things and people I never have done before. I have met wonderful people, that gives me hope for humanity and this country.

Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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8 people found dead in tractor trailer

And using terms such as "the air conditioning unit was not working" is not giving an accurate description. Lousy journalism. Air conditioning would imply normally safe for people. This must have been a reefer..a refrigeration unit. What if it went the other way and they all froze to death?

Our press has gone to hell. Every news story is slanted. There is no unbiased journalism anymore. No one truly reports news, they give commentary and opinion.

I wonder if people would have seen it differently if there was some sort of porta pot on board and water with climate control. Had they gotten caught but all were well and given provisions would the ACLU come out and support the trucker with a "he was just trying to help.them get a better life".

Go check out the truckers in england who have to chase the illegals from hanging onto the truck and get fined even if they don't know they are there.

Ok let's not split hairs hear human smuggling is human trafficking, whether it's for prostitution or entering into the country. My point is this, no one wants to comment, why? Because it's a bunch of brown people? Where the !@&$! Is your humanity? Left it at the truck stop I guess. I can respect if the reason people don't comment is because "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". Fine. Rainy, you've always been a know it all, opinions on everything even when you know nothing on the subject. (I was really ticked off when in 1 thread you bashed local driving, when you only knew from what you heard from other drivers, that it didn't work out for) if you were keeping off this subject till you knew more, kudos for you. If you're happy people are dead because "they shouldn't have been here in the 1st place" may god help you

Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Terminated from CR England

It is, Shiva, but it's not one that England will terminate you for, or even give you a company log violation for. I took a really long time to grasp how HOS works and got a number of violations from the company for just about everything except driving without time on the clock and never so much as got a phone call. I can't even imagine what the poster did to get terminated for it from England, especially while still under contract.

But G-Town hit it spot on. We could senselessly bicker back and forth about what is and what is not a violation, but without the full story from the OP, it's kinda pointless. Something happened, and my guess would be it was either extremely serious(like running a full shift without hours) or, I dunno, never actually touching the Qualcomm. But there's something going on here.

I agree. I accidentally did it for a whole week and JB HUNT called me in and explainEd to me what I was doing wrong and how to fix it

Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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8 people found dead in tractor trailer

Should it surprise me that no one else has anything to say about human trafficking? Not even the moderators.

Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Terminated from CR England

It must have been something quite serious, I've never had them even call me. Frankly, I'm not even sure I believe this unless you blatantly drove while out of hours for quite a while. They have a multi-step process for dealing with log violations, will issue training on CREU, bring you in to talk to you, all of that long before termination. What did they tell you that you did?

As for not using your CDL, unless they have a clause in your contract saying you won't compete, I don't think they have a leg to stand on. Your DMV has your test scores reported so they can't just revoke those, and the CDL isn't their property. I'm also fairly sure that them disqualifying you is them breaking the contract anyway(which doesn't get rid of the debt, just ends the 'we'll cover it and forgive it after 8 months' aspect of the debt).

In any case, I can tell you right now we're missing a considerable portion of this story.

Driving when out of hours is only 1 way to violate. If you send arrival and mt calls when off duty can be a log violation etc

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