Profile For Kevin S.

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Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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Beer in the sleeper

Is is against federal law to have an open alcoholic drink in the sleeper while off duty?

I am not asking for opinions. I know it's a bad idea.

I'm not asking for company policy. My company has zero tolerance for it.

I'm not asking for bac levels while on duty; I'm not even asking for bac levels. I know all the levels.

I just want to know is the act of having an open beer in the sleeper illegal. I can't find a clear answer online or in the FMCSR

I had a friend that was a OTR driver for 15 years, he drank beer in his truck when he was laid over for more then a day at a time for years. Someone backed into his rig while parked at a truckstop while he was offduty. He was passed out at the time and didnt even know it, well another driver parked next door called 911 to report this other driver. Well the local police came and arrested other driver and arrested the "passed out" driver that was actually the victim because he was passed out in his truck doing nothing but sleeping it off. He got a dui cause the truck had the keys in ignition and it was running with the a/c on. He is still looking for a new career (unemployed) 3 years later!

Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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Whats the pay in 2015?

I was a OTR trucker from 2006 to 2012, averaged about 700 a week maxing out my hours for the most part. Has the pay gone up? Minimum wage now in alot of states including my own is now $10 an hour and I feel I was barely making that then when all the hours I was driving waiting were figured in. Would it be worth it to go get my medical clearance to get a valid CDL again?

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