Profile For S. Peregrinus

S. Peregrinus's Info

  • Location:
    N. Central, AR

  • Driving Status:
    Preparing For School

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  • Joined Us:
    12 years ago

S. Peregrinus's Bio

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Posted:  11 years, 10 months ago

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Help - how to stay fit and healthy while on the road?

Quite right Guy. I should have mentioned that I am not a driver yet. My current job keeps me on my feet a good portion of the day. I hope to have my weight down before I get to school.

Posted:  11 years, 10 months ago

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Help - how to stay fit and healthy while on the road?

Thanks for this thread as this topic was on my mind also. My wife has successfully used this calorie tracking app to lose weight.

I just downloaded the "You Are Your Own Gym" app that Brett recommends and setup my profile on the mynetdiary app to track my calories. Mynetdiary has projected that by limiting my intake to 2253 calories per day that I will lose 1 lb per week and reach my target weight in 5 months. Looks like I won't be starving but I'll need to be more careful and aware of what I'm eating. True, I only want to lose about 20 lbs but just as important is setting up new exercise habits and a greater awareness of my food consumption.

Posted:  11 years, 11 months ago

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Dedicated -vs- Regional

Posted:  11 years, 11 months ago

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CDL Written Exam and Endorsements

Thanks so much Brett for the quick and helpful reply. You are appreciated!!

Posted:  11 years, 11 months ago

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CDL Written Exam and Endorsements

Is there any reason not to take the written portion of the CDL test along with all the endorsements before attending a CDL school?

I saw one post indicating that he/she was not going to seek the HAZMAT endorsement until after obtaining their CDL. Why not???

Posted:  11 years, 11 months ago

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Back Home After First Seven Days Out As A Solo Driver!

Thanks Starcar, that sounds like a workable "solution" ;-) You emphasized the WHITE towels, so is there something wrong with the blue paper shop towels you also see available?

Posted:  11 years, 12 months ago

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Back Home After First Seven Days Out As A Solo Driver!

I am coming to accept the fact that getting a shower every other day (or three!) is gonna be the norm.

Is it truly that difficult to find the time to shower more often? Is this at the mercy of dispatch? I.E. Scheduling your pickups and drops so close that you can't grab a shower? I was hoping to be able to shower daily once I was out there but if it's just not possible then I want to have my mind set about it.

Posted:  12 years ago

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Help Please

Thanks Brett.

Posted:  12 years ago

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Help Please

Greetings All,

This site has encouraged me to begin studying for my CDL and a trucking career. I started the "High Road" CDL Course and have run into a snag on section 1.3

"NOTE: For the drivers of truck-tractor semitrailers, the farmer, his or her spouse and their children, parents on both sides, brothers and sisters on both sides and their spouses operating a truck-tractor semitrailer and meeting the above criteria also are exempted from the CDL Program. These drivers must be at least age 21, and the vehicle must have Farm plates. These drivers are still required to take the appropriate CDL written, skills and road tests to be licensed."

I must be taking something wrong because this seems contradictory to me. On one hand it states that the folks mentioned are "exempt from the CDL program.:

Then goes on to say "these drivers are still required to take the appropriate CDL written, skills, and road tests to be licensed."

So is it saying that those folks can do farm work without a CDL, but if they want to get an actual CDL license THEN they must take the written, skills, and road tests?

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