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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 12 years ago
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What is meant by job hopping? If I change my employer will it be considered job hopping?
Posted: 12 years ago
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What is the definition of "Recent Graduate"? Is this a person who recently graduated from a CDL School. Is someone who goes away from trucking for a long time and then attends a Refresher Course at a Truck Driving School a recent graduate? I am in such a situation. I have my CDL A, but I have only one month experience, because I had to break up my training due to a problem that I had at home and because of illness. I decided not to go back to trucking for a while, but right now I am ready to go back to trucking. If I attend a Refresher Course (40 hour driving/$1400 USD) at a Truck Driving School, will I be considered recent graduate?
Posted: 12 years ago
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Any Tanker companies hire straight out of school?
another option could be
Student Truck Driver Opportunites Available at Prime:
• Reefer
• Flatbed
• Tanker
Prime Inc: http://www.driveforprime.com/student.php?r=simplyhiredcompanytanker
Posted: 12 years ago
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Knight/Squire Transportation
I have a question about Knight Transportation, especially their finishing arm Squire Transportation:
I want to do their training program.
I already have my CDL A. However, I haven't driven since Summer 2011. Am I qualified to start their training program or do the require a minimum of driving experience? Do I need to attend a Refresher Course prior to be hired as a trainee at Squire Transportation?