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Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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I just need a small company to give me a chance me and my girlfriend she's got experience driving I know how to drive a truck and read a map I've been driving with her everyday I know all the bull**** that can happen I'm a defensive driver I pay attention I love to drive only thing stopping me is a bull**** drug screen that idk how I failed didn't smoke it but I was around it people truly do alter your life I guarantee I'd be one of the best
Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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No charge just failed drug screen at cr england for thc my record is clean and so is my driving record
Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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My name is Matthew i live in ne and Im 27 I went to cr england oct of 2014 with my gf so we could team was up there for one day enough time to take a drug screen I came home and went to jtl trucking school and got my class a cdl in January of 2015 been applying and know one would hire me and no company would tell me why about 2 months ago went to crst and they told me why they wouldn't hire me cr england said I failed a drug test for thc I was told to take rehabilitation class so I did and still can't get hired big companies won't hire me cause of the failed drug screen and small companies won't because no experience I need help my gf has her cdl as well she works at Werner enterprises has been there since November of 2014 I just need a chance to show that I know what I'm doing I don't do drugs I past 4 drug test this year got my medical card I really just need a chance if anyone can help I'd appreciate very much I'm looking to team drive with my gf she has 9 months experience and I've been in the truck with her I know you couldn't tell if I drove for a month or a year
Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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Need a start
That's what I have been doing thank-you for the help