Profile For Joe L.

Joe L.'s Info

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    Preparing For School

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    9 years, 7 months ago

Joe L.'s Bio

My name is Joe, I am 22 years old, born and raised at the Jersey Shore. I am an easy going guy who takes day by day. Currently looking to make the switch from commercial kitchen work to trucking (total newbie). I have a beautiful girlfriend of seven years. All in all, I'm just trying to make a name for myself. Get to know me :)

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Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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Does this qualify as experience?

Well if I went back OTR, do you think I would need a trainer or I could go back solo

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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Does this qualify as experience?

Sorry for the double reply, but someone had told me that I should be okay because I fall under the fmcsa ? I'm not familiar with these regulations.. is anyone else?

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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Does this qualify as experience?

What were you driving for the county? It does count as work history. Each company will have it's own standards.

My department is a construction unit. We have tandem dumps, mason dumps, sewer jets, and one tractor trailers/lowboy. It all depends on what we need for the designated job. I'm hoping this will fall under recent driving experience so I can get on a JB Hunt dedicated or local run. I miss the money and they are advertising their runs grossing at 40-60k.

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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Pre trip guides question

I studied the Illinois manual for my Missouri CDL exam and they were nearly identical

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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Does this qualify as experience?

I left prime last year to take a job at my local county. The position requires a CDL.

I have missed being OTR since I got off the road. If I decide to go back long distance driving, can I use my current position as recent driving experience on the application? Some accounts require 3 months-year verifiable rep and I'd like to use my current job on the app.

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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JB Hunt

Thank you in advance

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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JB Hunt

Hey guys, so I have been researching the local jobs with JB Hunt, and there are some really attractive jobs that are not in my area but I am willing to relocate. In the job listing it says that they offer a transition bonus of however much money they decide to offer for that specific account. My question is would they be willing to hire me on for a job that is outside of my area if I was willing to relocate to that state and get an apartment near their main yard using the money from the transition bonus to buy an apartment? I'm only 23 years old but if I am going to stay in this industry then I want to get out of the Northeast

Posted:  7 years, 6 months ago

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5 panel opiates/opioids

So the department of transportation apparently is in the process of expanding the opiate panel to also test for opioids. Before this change, our five panel drug screen only tested for heroin and codeine derivatives. With this change our standard five panel test for now test for opiates and all opioids meaning prescription painkillers. Does anybody know when this change will go into a fact, when we go in for our random screens when will we be tested for the new opioid pain killer panel does anybody know?

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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4 car carrier summer job NJ to Florida

I was just offered a job hauling a 4 car carrier from nj to Florida. Work as much as you want, no set delivery time for the cars. I could do that trip in two days. The catch is this, the truck has no sleeper so I'd have to crash in the back seat at a rest area. Does anyone have any idea on how big the back seats are on an e350 semi? I would only be doing this temporarily

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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Prime never sent me my w-2

I am a former driver, went through prime training program. I was offered a job at home hauling cars and jumped on the offer. I have not yet started paying back my debt to prime. Could this be why I have not yet received my w-2? Prime is holding it until I pay up?

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