Profile For James M.

James M.'s Info

  • Location:
    Aldie, VA

  • Driving Status:
    Considering A Career

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  • Joined Us:
    9 years, 6 months ago

James M.'s Bio

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Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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How hard is it to find local truck driving jobs vs long haul?

Thanks for the replies guys, it's helping a lot. I'll be moving to Aldie, VA here in the next month or so (currently in Herndon VA in a hotel); wouldn't mind doing dirty work as a dump/water truck driver for a while if push comes to shove. Committing to OTR for 1 year may be something I'll have to sit down and think about also, but there're a lot of goals that I have outside of the workplace that I wouldn't be able to work on during that time, which is the main reason why I would prefer not to (finishing up my degree and working on music are the main ones). I understand the risks of going straight into local driving but it seems like the best option. Anyone know how things are over here in Virginialand?

Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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How hard is it to find local truck driving jobs vs long haul?

Noob question, but how hard is it to find local truck driving jobs? I'm thinking getting my CDL but the lifestyle of an OTR driver living on the road doesn't really appeal to me. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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Drummer Considering Trucking

Thanks for the replies. I kinda figured it was hopeless lol. That drums anywhere table thing looks somewhat okay, but you won't be getting any foot pedal practice. I guess local truck driving may be a better option, to at least have the luxury to come home every night and get a little practice in.

Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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Drummer Considering Trucking

I'm a drummer considering signing up for one of those OTR on-the-job truck driving schools, but I'm reluctant because of one reason: I love drumming. If you guys have any suggestions on how one could practice drumming while on the road it would be greatly appreciated. Are there any rules on what you're allowed to bring with you on the road? Are you allowed to carry your own items in the trailer compartment? Or if I were to eventually work independently by leasing out my own truck would it be plausible to keep a drum set in the back? Also, what are the typical work hours for a trucker? From looking around the max of 11 hours in 24 hours seems to be the norm. Anyways, any responses/suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

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