New Orleans, LA
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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Been a trucker for only 26 months as 0f 02/2016, but have been a human for 58 years as of the same date!! LOL. Anyway, I am enjoying my "2nd act" far more than I ever enjoyed my previous career (Postal Worker), and I hope to drive until I retire, which will be never because I've looked closely, and I haven't seen the word "retire" in the Bible, so... I happen to live in the greatest little city I've ever seen, with the absolute greatest food by far! Festivals, traditions, sites, sounds, activities, street music with dancing in the streets, and so many other happenings that you barely are impacted by the gang killings of one another and humidity.
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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Freight may be slow at a company or industry, but not necessarily for everyone.
This is the key thing to understand, especially at a major carrier that has tons and tons of freight. Right now nationwide the freight is slow overall. However, within a major carrier you'll find a huge variance in the amount of freight available in different regions of the country or for different drivers.
A company is going to keep their team trucks and best drivers rolling all the time if at all possible. However, that isn't always possible even for the best drivers. There will be ups and downs at times. It's never anything to worry much about. If you hit a slow patch you should take advantage of it. Get some extra rest or go have some fun. Before long things will pick up for you again and you'll be wishing you had more time to sleep or head off on adventures.
Thanks. I have always taken every single load assigned to me and done my best to deliver early if possible. I have patience, and I think you, and anyone with more experience than I, knows more than me about the industry. In the meantime, I'll make my delivery on time and be thankful for them. I hope everyone remembered the true heroes Memorial Day was made for.
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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I guess is time to move on
I don't know if that's a good idea. Moving to another company which is seeing the same as every other company...low freight!! Don't jump too soon. It should pick up soon. Everyone I talk to says the same thing. Good luck.
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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I received a similar message from my company.
Thanks for responding. Good luck to you.
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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I am being told by my company that all companies are experiencing low freight. We are so SLOW. I asked a few managers and drivers (I've only been driving 3 and a half years and haven't seen it this slow), and each said it's like this at every company because of the tariffs being imposed. Is this correct? I figure experienced drivers would know best. Advice?
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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Game: How Do You Motivate Yourself?
The question is alien to me. I am the son of a farmer. One gets up and works because the work must be done. End of! Sleeping past 4 or 5, depending on what needed to be done, was unheard of in my home. Sometimes I had to be up earlier. One thing for sure, no one had trouble falling asleep in our home Motivation to work? Wow, that blows my mind! I guess I'm from a different generation. You young whipper snappers make me wonder!(written in a Gabby Hays voice).
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Some crazy guy from New Orleans put my name in the hat.
That could be any of us... I mean... Then!! Haha
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Scotty, who was the idiot who recommended you to be a finisher??!!😅😂🤣. Wow, there must be a bunch of female students at CFI!! 😋😋. But seriously, congratulations Scotty. Any student who gets you will be well, and thoroughly trained to drive safely and professionally. 👍 Good luck buddy.😊
Posted: 6 years, 6 months ago
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How much should I worry about tuition reimbursement?
Hi Joshua, 1st off...congratulations on passing your CDL school. (and you've got a great, powerful name) You didn't say if you have "auto only" or not, and most companies still have manual transmissions. Do you have HAZMAT? Also, what is most important to you in a company? I work for CFI, and while they don't pay the most, they are VERY good at getting me home on time or earlier, I never have my truck taken from me no matter how long I stay home, I decide if I have to shut down my truck, I get good miles and good pay, the fleet is new and older trailers are being replaced with new ones, we don't have tankers, reefers or flatbeds, but we have to have HAZMAT. They pay for scales, repairs, showers, hotels (if needed), I can highlight my self anywhere I like for time off, get reimbursed for parts, supplies, tools, etc... as needed, and I sincerely believe they care about their drivers. These things are important to me. As a single man w/o kids, most all companies will love having you as long as you aren't a skirt chaser to the point it interferes with your job, bar fly, or have any addictions. To finally answer your question...of course you should care about the tuition reimbursement!! It's money! It's YOUR debt and money. Yes care about that. Bottom line is to find a company that meets your needs and wants, and where you feel comfortable. You're a hard worker, so if your attitude is good, you will succeed wherever you end up. Just find the company that fits you. Good luck buddy. -NOLAMAN
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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Is 50 too old to start with pro-driver career?
I started driving at 56, and I LOVE it! I'm going to be 60 this September. I have a lot of good years left in me. No, you're not too old.