Profile For Sonnydogg

Sonnydogg's Info

  • Location:
    Grand Rapids, MI

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    9 years, 6 months ago

Sonnydogg's Bio

I've been a machinist for 25yrs, and am ready to get the hell out! Lol. I've always wanted to drive trucks, but had a family early in life an wanted to stay close to home. Result? Everybody's good n fat & I'm bored. I don't have any stories to tell. So, even tho I now have 3 grand babies, I'm gonna do this before its to late. I wanna see some of this country (I know, I don't care about "sight seeing") and want some stories to tell my grandkids. Hell, I'm hoping I'll land a job at a co. that will allow them to come along one day.

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Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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Need some advice

So, first, I should tell you that I'm a regional driver. I run the upper Midwest - Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Kentucky. Mostly tho, OH, IND, ILL. 70% of my loads are live load and unload. This has really gotten on my nerves the last few weeks. The fact that I had to wait 4+ hours in a dock today for the 5th time in 7days, once was 7hrs, and watching other trucks come and go, and seeing the workers go on break twice before I was even started, I don't think I can take it. They had me done 30min before my 14 were up. Luckily, I can park across the street, but I lost my next appt, so now I'll be off like 16 hrs, waiting for my new appt time. That's a lot of lost $$ and waisted time. My Q is, Is this normal for a regional gig? Cuz, I'm kind of a go getter, and this constant sitting has me wondering if this is right for me. I mainly haul food containers, soda, and furniture. The waiting is pretty equal for each. I do have to help unload some of the furniture sometimes, almost always by hand. I'm really trying to get my first year down, then I know my options will open up, but wholly cow.

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Gloves and shoes

I personally wear steel toed mainly for kicking tires. I have a thumper also, but find kicking to just be easier and quicker. They're slip on, so I can change easily if I want for driving. As for gloves, I wear those fabric/rubber palm type for fueling and such. Not really warm in winter weather, but keep my hands clean and dry.

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Making turns left or right from a stop

This is another reason I like my automatic. I can concentrate on those pesky tandems and not worry about shifting. I sometimes forget about canceling that blinker tho, lol

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Decisions and advice

I'll 2nd the home weekends lifestyle. I usually go out anywhere from 2400 sun night to 2300 Monday and am always home by 1900 Friday. I average 1700-2400 miles per wk and make $650-$900 take home. It's not great, but as Brett said, I'm home every weekend and got to spend Easter with my family and was able to celebrate my daughters pregnancy with her.

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Unloaded at the shippers but now have no driving time left

You can also ask the other drivers who are there. Most of the time they've been there a few times and know the ropes, especially day cab drivers. Also, if they have switchers running around, ask them.

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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In serious need of a pep talk...

I know exactly how you feel. I always get nervous when I go to a new place. What will it look like? How much room will I have? Is it in town with narrow streets, or in the country? After 2 months, it's getting better. I've learned to look up my address' on google earth so I'm not so surprised when I arrive, and I take each day one day at a time. Don't worry about tomorrow. Just do your best today. When backing, as Sue D said, gooo slooow. It's amazing how much control you have when you just take a deep breath and take your time. You CAN do this! As time goes by, your confidence will grow.

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Schneider Training 03/16

Plus, your truck may break down and you may get a stick until then. Now you're stuck unless you know how to shift correctly.

This is a fact. Had this happen 2 wks ago.

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Taking a dog along with you

I have a small Jack Russell/Bull terrier and would love to bring her along, so today I took her for a short 20mi ride (bob tail) and the poor thing just shook with fear, so I'll be leaving her home. She may get used to it, but I'm home every wknd so why stress her. So, make sure they'll be ok with it also. Just my 2 cents.

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Does anyone know? Backing related

I can't speak for all schools or tests, but mine consisted on 1 offset followed by 1 90 degree alley dock.

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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I might start with the yellow pages (huh? Whats that?) or try googling local excavation or road construction companies. Your school may also be able to help and may have a job board with some opportunities.

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