Springer, NM
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Experienced Driver
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Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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Awesome to hear. Been driving for 3 years now and still don't feel fully confident about backing. Just make sure to goal, as long as the truck hits the dock and you deliver, you will be paid. It isn't a competition.
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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Get out of the truck and explore
Best part of the job. Last week I got to spend a day in Rapid City ,SD. Got to just hang around town trying craft beer and eating good food haha. That's my idea of adventure anyways. I want to do a fishing trip in Alabama in the future.
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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Well after two months of otr reefer I got offered a position at another company that I just couldn't refuse. It will still be OTR reefer but with a different company. Pay and some company policies at swift is why I decided to make the change. By no means will I bash Swift. They gave me a shot at a new life and taught me how to run. I am thankful for what they have done for me. I am leaving on good terms and making sure not to burn Bridges. My DM doesn't want me to leave, but he understand too. I'll give an update on this in a few months. Don't want to say much after being at the new company for just a little bit.
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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Swift walmart dedicated out of Grandview
Learn how to chain. As far as I know the Grandview DC, Corrine DC, and McCarran DC all require it. Just a way of life if you run the Pacific Northwest.
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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New member question about swift.
G Town went to Richmond I believe but that was a while back. All I can say is put your "ego" to the side and be ready/able to learn. Things will be tough, but you will make it through. Good luck and keep us updated!
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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I avoid terminals like the plague. In a perfect world I only want to see the Albuquerque terminal when I park for home time.
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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Do you know if when you switch, can you request a DM? Yours sounds pretty great.
Not sure about that part, but just so you know I am out of Rochelle, IL terminal. Most the people I talked with on the phone are nice. Haven't met any of them yet though.
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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That's great to hear! I have a few specific questions for you.
1. How big is the reefer tank on the trailers? Prime had 30 gallon tanks and I was just curious. 2. Do you get reefer fuel whenever you fuel the truck, or can you stop anywhere and ask?
My wife and I may be leaving our dedicated account in favor of reefer because we may be moving out of our account's hiring area.
1. The central trailer I have now is 50 and just based on fill ups, I am pretty sure all our reefers are 50 gallons.
2. Always top it off when I fuel and call it in when I am getting close to a delivery that is drop and hook or a place that is notoriously slow.
We don't have a fuel bonus, so don't sweat it if you skip a fuel stop and go to another one. I tend to not stop at stops that are too busy or too small. May depend on your dm too though, I have never had issues with switching fuel stops.
Nice part of reefer is there is less of us than van drivers. Not uncommon to dead head 200 miles + to pick up a load. Ends up making a short load worth it haha. Also all the planners are in West Valley City. So a bit easier to build relationships with them. It definitely is helpful to have a good dm too. Really changed my outlook on Swift. The fact that he knows I want to run and makes sure that I do is very encouraging.
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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How's life in the chilly side Gladhand? Hope they're keeping you busy.
Going real well. Was slowed down by Memorial day though. Been going all over the country and love it. Running a short load to Moberly, mo and the pick up in Nebraska on a load going to Los Angeles.
This coming check won't be good because the good long load finishes after the pay period. I got to be home by the 12th so I missed out on a good load to New York.
My dm is awesome. Lobbies to the planner for miles for me and will take a load off of me if it has me sit for too long.
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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Switched To A Local Account
Good luck. 6 days a week was torture for me. Just a 34 when you go home isnt enough time off, for me anyways. Big reason I left the Walmart account I was on. Either way what didnt work for me, doesnt mean it wont work for you. Be safe!