Profile For Fearless Taco

Fearless Taco's Info

  • Location:
    Berea , KY

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    9 years, 6 months ago

Fearless Taco's Bio

I drove a cargo van expediting for 2 years but decided I wanted to be a company driver. Now I've been with Averitt Express for the past year

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Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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Averitt Express

Averitt isn't perfect but based on all the horror stories I've heard about other companies I'm still so happy I got hired. There's good weeks and bad ones but that's any job. I do like my fleet manager he's a good guy. Honest friendly and easy to talk to if o have problem or question. If I'm gonna be late or have a problem of some sort I just send a message on my QC. Then he normally calls and talks to me. Never once yelled been rude or anything other than pleasant even when I drove over a chain link fense lol

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Averitt Express

I've worked for Averitt for the past year started as a student driver. Many of the things you stated are reason I chose Averitt myself. Not all the service centers have showers or a gym, but a large majority do have a shower. In my past year I've worked 2 weekends that I didn't ask for, but sometimes freight or your truck doesn't allow you to get home that weekend. But both times they allowed me to get home early the next week. Northeast I've heard drivers say they have gone into Connecticut Massachusetts etc but I haven't personally. Been to New York State, Pennsylvania and New Jersey but never near NYC.

Also Averitt always has dedicated city shuttle and Corp jobs available. There's even an On Tour division that does music tours and festivals during the summer so there's plenty of stuff you can do

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