Profile For Sclose757

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Run lease/op for prime . Loving the road and barely getting online lol

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Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Prime Trucking Company (Question)

They will ask for a reference that can verify the gap of unemployment. You'll be ok

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Looking for cpa in the virginia beach, va. Location

Hey ernie! Thanks i will definitely be contacting you once i get settled and start rolling again. Thats the general thought of anyone on lease thats trying to maximize their potential out here, but of course you have those that just doesn't care... met a guy whos been paying for his lumper bill out of pocket. He didn't know prime reimburses the truck back. Crazy

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Looking for cpa in the virginia beach, va. Location

Prime doesnt go into mexico but they do go to the border for produce. Mainly as solo most loads will be northeast for me. And right now theres a bit of drivers there since snow is gone and i wont be able to get floral loads since thats time sensitive with multi stops . Theres just less frieght jan through march. Meat hauls still there though. Ive gotta run smarter and rely on fm to keep me mobile. .. whenever i get back in the road. Been stuck in Springfield Mo since sunday finishing paper work and classes

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Looking for cpa in the virginia beach, va. Location

Lol yea I've been a bit busy just got a new truck will be uploading pic shortly I've had two trainers both lease and i handled everything from start to finish and they acted as if they were co driver to get my bearings down as a lease op.. wealth of knowledge they gave me . I have plenty of confidence in my driving ability but more so in my time management so instead of jumping to company i prepared for the lease i will be updating again in 4-6 weeks and a follow up after that in end of april beginning of may since reefer runs pick up with produce . Right now frieght is slow and im prepared for slow weeks till march

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Looking for cpa in the virginia beach, va. Location

Hey everyone its been awhile since ive been on here been moving so much that i haven't had much time to get online...

Need help with finding a CPA with knowledge filing for truckers to maximize deductions for my llc. Any guidance is greatly appreciated,!

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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First post since acceptence to prime.

Well im currently at ohare airport in chicago for home time amd havent really posted or been on here since i left for schooling for Prime inc. This site has been so amazing with the wealth of knowledge from people and the training guides.. i trifected my cdl exam and went straight to a night program they didnt have me do a normal psd which was cool i got more manuver practice and city driving then went to tnt ive been away from home since sept 10th and this home trip almosr didnt happen.. place in my notice for home leave well in advance but the shipper and receivers ( multi stop loads) had me and my tnt trainer stuck in west cost for a week.. was supposed to be home yesterday but ended up making half the trip on road next half by plane which i paod for myself .. i didnt want to miss my sons first halloween lol. Everyday life on the road has been great. lots of fun experiences especially with weigh stations... I'll speak more on that later. Well planes boarding now.

Happy Halloween

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Swift Vs. Prime: The Battle for Supremacy.

Personally for me I choose based on equipment and pay. The reason why i choose based on that is because I plan to be on the road for about six months at a time. The recruiter at Prime inform me that I would have a choice between a full size truck or light truck. If I Drive a full size truck I'll be making a little less but I would have APU for all the little creature comforts.

All of primes trucks have APUs and the full size makes me drool lol lightwieghts ok they take the passenger seat out to give ya more room. Brett like always has all of the info lol it all comes down to what you want. Dont jump at first offer till all of your ducks are in a row! Good luck and safe travels!

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Are welfare programs the easiest way to get 2 years experience

Are you talking about pell grants and stuff like that to get the "experience" of attending cdl training school? If so:

Most cdl training programs do not meet the length of course requirements to qualify for a Pell grant etc. There are a few college programs, which last longer.. a semester or more than 10 weeks anyway, that could possibly qualify for a Pell.

That is why many trucking companies run their own cdl training programs. You can also attend a private school on your own dime and they often offer some sort of financing loans etc. If you have prehire offers in hand.

I'm hoping this is what you're asking about.

I have heard of one cdl school thats long enough for federal student loan it was lengthy but it qualified for aid for student housing and all.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Swift Vs. Prime: The Battle for Supremacy.

Well, Errol

Since you work for swift Can you tell me the general policy they have for Home/Trucks? I only ask because I see a lot of posts about putting X,Y,Z in the truck but it is still a Company truck (for company drivers anyway) so if you aren't in your truck for say a week as an example because of whatever reason be it vacation or injury do you drop you truck at a yard and then whoever needs a truck that is at that terminal gets your truck or does it sit there until you come back (I am basing the assumption off of a "Sinnizter the trucker" (Knight trans driver) YouTube video I saw where he was speaking to a Reefer Recruiter and she said if you're down for more than X days they need the truck because if you're not driving they aren't making money. , So if this is the case what do you do with your stuff?

I can answer that lol

You take your stuff out this happens a lot unless you're an owner/operator

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Swift Vs. Prime: The Battle for Supremacy.

Every company is different when i was in your situation before joining a company sponsored training program i had to decide what it was i looking for .. for me as an example i needed free training that would allow me not to be a financial burden to my family until i was making a check.

Swift pays for your hotel room but not food.. after a month that adds up. Prime fronts you $200 a week and gives you a meal card for the first week you get there...

Others pay you minimum wage starting on day 1..

Next was home time... what i wanted vs what they offer

Most Company-Sponsored Training want you as OTR with 3-5 weeks out and 3-4 days of home time. This varies with companies. Some may have ya home for a day within 2 weeks ask about this.. I'm personally prepared to not be home till December I started Prime psd 3 weeks ago.

Then there is pay. There's a lot of info regarding pay.. cents per mile aka cpm this can vary from 18 cents to 45 cents for starters

There is also stop pay detention pay breakdown pay and so on and so on there's a wealth of knowledge here

Most company sponsored schools have. 1 year contract if you leave early there may be fees ask the recruiter about this. .

Also in picking a company find out where their terminals are if your home is close to one you have a greater chance of stopping by home when you drive through. I choose one with a terminal far from me to make being on the road easier as i wont get swayed to stop home and get too comfy my first year ... I'm weird i guess lol

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