Profile For Melissa K.

Melissa K.'s Info

  • Location:
    Reno, NV

  • Driving Status:
    Preparing For School

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  • Joined Us:
    12 years, 10 months ago

Melissa K.'s Bio

I am 44 years old now, and the open road has been calling me for years. I am excited to finally get my CDL and be on the road! I have been a 911 operator, a forklift driver, a hospital unit coordinator, a pizza delivery driver and a self employed uber driver among many other things, but trucking is in my heart. It will not stop calling me and so... here we go!! Today is 9/26/2023 and my funding appointment for CDL school is October 2nd. I am a hard working woman with one child who is 24 years old now. Its my turn to do what I want and I am so excited!

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Posted:  1 year, 6 months ago

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FINALLY; it is my turn to get my CDL and I am nervous! :)

Hi Laura, I see you're in my backyard lol. Super cool, small world for sure.

To answer your question about why I don't want to use a company to get my CDL, the short answer is because I have a scholarship from my state that completely covers the tuition.

The deciding factors are also; I can stay home and still make the income I am making while going to school. I will not be responsible for paying back room and board costs as with KNIGHT. With SWIFT, I'd be leaving home to get paid less during the CDL phase than I currently make here in RENO, and be required to work for them for a specific amount of time. COVENENT, my other interest, does not provide the training themselves. I am also in a unique program called WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT through my local housing authority and the scholarship route helps me comply with that program so I can increase my ESCROW check that they offer. Once I have my CDL, I can go to the same companies that have a school, or that resource it out to local schools to reimburse once hired, and get right to the student driver/apprenticeship part. The same part that their CDL students will participate in during a PHASE 2 (AFTER CDL OBTAINED).

Another reason, I can learn on a manual transmission. A lot of local jobs here in RENO such as NEV CAL, RENO ROCK, and LAKESIDE SPECIALIZED TRANSPORT and SNC still operate manuals. With a restriction from the get go, I am limited in the fields I am interested in after some OTR experience is under my belt.

DESERT KNIGHT TRUCKING SCHOOL has a good reputation here. Is family owned and like I said, I have a FREE scholarship there that increases my WFD Escrow through housing. Most people aren't in my unique situation and would definitely benefit from going to a MEGA CARRIER for their license more than I would.

I hope that gives you some insight to my decision. Safe travels, M

Posted:  1 year, 6 months ago

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FINALLY; it is my turn to get my CDL and I am nervous! :)


Hello Everyone, 44yo female here. Residing in Northern Nevada. After years of contemplating, research, reading this forum and being unhappy and career-less I finally went to a local agency and I've applied for CDL school funding. I decided to go to CDL school on my own instead of going to a mega carrier to get it. I am more inclined to do a student apprenticeship program then have my employer pay for my CDL even though it sounds easier; getting paid while doing the deed sounds great but I didn't want to limit myself. I am wanting freedom with my CDL. My plan is to get my CDL this year...2023 and be fully endorsed including HAZMA T with my TWIC and passport in tow before getting a job. Its just a goal of mine and I am set on that decision. ( FYI - I already have my TWIC from a different career path)

My questions and concerns are this:

1. Winter- PRO: I believe this will be a good thing because I'll be apprenticing with someone CON: Its winter and Ill be a very new driver. Risk is self explanatory

2. Job Options- I am looking at KNIGHT and SWIFT because they have terminals in my home town. Are these good for new students with CDL's that have 0 driving experience? COVENENT: the team driving interests me because of having someone else with me while I get my feet wet, however they pull doubles. Would that be something a new driver should stay away from?

3. ANY advice is welcome, please feel free to leave your opinions on the above questions and concerns.

Thanks and Happy Trucking everyone Melissa



Just want to let you know that some of the other females will probably come into this forum over the next couple days. I generally just read the General forum and come in here once or twice a week.

Right now I've got to head out and try to make it to Boomtown or maybe even Fernley if I don't run into heavy traffic around Sacramento.

Since you've been on Trucking Truth for 11 years, you know that what you are proposing is not what we suggest. Actually, I am confused as to why you don't want to have Swift or Knight pay for your schooling and give you a job when you graduate from their school? It's been a long day, so I'll think on what you posted as I go over the mountain.


Posted:  1 year, 6 months ago

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FINALLY; it is my turn to get my CDL and I am nervous! :)

Hello Everyone, 44yo female here. Residing in Northern Nevada. After years of contemplating, research, reading this forum and being unhappy and career-less I finally went to a local agency and I've applied for CDL school funding. I decided to go to CDL school on my own instead of going to a mega carrier to get it. I am more inclined to do a student apprenticeship program then have my employer pay for my CDL even though it sounds easier; getting paid while doing the deed sounds great but I didn't want to limit myself. I am wanting freedom with my CDL. My plan is to get my CDL this year...2023 and be fully endorsed including HAZMA T with my TWIC and passport in tow before getting a job. Its just a goal of mine and I am set on that decision. ( FYI - I already have my TWIC from a different career path)

My questions and concerns are this:

1. Winter- PRO: I believe this will be a good thing because I'll be apprenticing with someone CON: Its winter and Ill be a very new driver. Risk is self explanatory

2. Job Options- I am looking at KNIGHT and SWIFT because they have terminals in my home town. Are these good for new students with CDL's that have 0 driving experience? COVENENT: the team driving interests me because of having someone else with me while I get my feet wet, however they pull doubles. Would that be something a new driver should stay away from?

3. ANY advice is welcome, please feel free to leave your opinions on the above questions and concerns.

Thanks and Happy Trucking everyone Melissa

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