Spring Hill, FL
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Considering A Career
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Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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Need some advice breaking in- Is it possible for me?
Congrats Tia!
Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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To all Atheist truckers
Not that I really care about this, but just to share a little information on this subject. There is now an Atheist "Church" that was started in England in 2013 and has rising appeal with many who were brought up religious and liked the community of it, just not the subject of it. If you are at all curious, there are many branches starting around the US. You can read about it here. Sorry to stir up this thread again, but I figured as an Atheist who saw Sunday Assembly and thought,"Why?" and actually did some research on it, others who see this thread might actually like to learn about it. Morgon Spurlock actually did a special on it. Link.