Profile For aperture

aperture's Info

  • Location:
    South Bend, IN

  • Driving Status:
    Company Driver In Training

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  • Joined Us:
    9 years, 6 months ago

aperture's Bio

No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.

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Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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How to get better mileage from an automatic?

My company just stuck me in a new automatic Peterbilt 579 and I'm averaging about 5.9 mpg. When I was driving a manual 579 I was getting about 6.8 mpg. What gives? I thought autos were supposed to be better on fuel consumption.

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Issues with Shifting

I drove an '06 Freightliner in school and did fine, however now I'm on a '15 Pete 579 and I am having issues. In the double shifting process I keep feeling a small jerk when I let my foot off the clutch when I go into gear. What am I doing wrong? Going too deep on the clutch? Giving too much/not enough fuel? The timing of when I come off the clutch/when I give it fuel? Any input would be extremely helpful.

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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How far back do hair folicle tests go?

I just got off the phone with a recruiter today... she claimed that their hair folicle test goes back an entire year. Is that even possible? I thought the cut off was 90 days.

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Tired? Take a coffee nap!

Very interesting! Personally whenever I'm getting sleepy but don't have time for a long sleep, I have always taken a 30 minute nap and THEN some coffee (or an energy drink), followed by a little bit of exercise to get the blood flowing, but I haven't tried drinking coffee BEFORE the nap. I should try this and see how it works. Thanks for the info Aperture! :)

P.S.- is your name a reference to the Portal games? I love them. lol

Yep, and I dabble in video/photography too!

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Tired? Take a coffee nap!

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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How do terminals work?

Generally speaking if you live more than 50 miles from a terminal your company will let you take your truck and trailer home with you. Most people either park at a truck stop and get a ride home from there, drop their trailer at the truck stop and take their tractor home, or find a place near their home to park like an unused gravel lot or a big grocery store parking lot. You'll want permission from anyplace you consider parking the truck.

But you don't have to live near a terminal. As long as a company hires from your home area you're good to go. In 15 years of driving I never drove for a company that had a terminal or drop yard in my home state. Didn't make any difference.

Cool, thanks for the info!

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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How do terminals work?

Are you locked to your terminal when you take home-time? Can you ever transfer your truck to another terminal temporarily; how about semi-permanently or permanently? Do you have to take home-time when your x-amount of days are up and does home-time ever roll over?

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Experiences in Gary, IN (safety)

Id be more concerns about weather if I was gonna bike lol. But it would be a great way to get some exercise before school!

I commuted in South Bend during month of March. Sub-freezing temperatures baby!

Thanks for your input guys. I may just look to biting the bullet and buying a car.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Experiences in Gary, IN (safety)

I'm going to attend DriveCo in Gary, IN and I was thinking about temporarily renting out a room in Gary and biking to school each day (4 miles). Based on your experiences in Gary would this be a good idea? Another option I thought of was buying a car and renting a room out in on of the surrounding areas. I have a fair amount of street smarts and avoiding dangerous situations in the city/suburbia, but I'm not completely familiar with the area. What do you guys think?

Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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DriveCo. in Gary, IN

Anyone going? I'm pretty sure I'll be there starting Sept 28. If not Oct 12! (We'll see how nice I want to be to my boss when I give him my two weeks). I'm super pumped!

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