Profile For Angela W.

Angela W.'s Info

  • Location:
    Everywhere, FL

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    9 years, 6 months ago

Angela W.'s Bio

Solo, OTR driver with 2 years under my belt :)

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Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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Best companies for teams?

Thanks, everyone, for the help! So many companies to research and it's easy to forget a lot of them! As for Xtreme trucking, I'm afraid I couldn't even DRAG him over there... He referred to them in an unsavory manor LOL ;)

As for the reefers, isn't there a lot of sitting in docks involved in that? I've often wondered if I'd ever want to drive a reefer because of that...

Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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Best companies for teams?

It's been two years since I posted and that's only because everyone was so helpful here to me back then that I've come back again...

I've been solo OTR for two years now with H.O.Wolding... Problem is, I'm dating a guy who's been with Stage Call (forever) and we wanted to run tours together but they won't take me until I've had at least 3yrs exp.

Now he's asking me to look up team driving jobs and pick one... I haven't got a clue... Yes, I know it will be hard and yes I am prepared as I can be about it...

The problem is, what company is a good one for teams who want to make money but still get time off every few months? Not unreasonable time, just time out of the truck every once in a while.

I don't really know what to look for... A bigger company? A smaller one?

Any help you all can provide would be greatly appreciated!

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Thanks to all who do and all who TEACH!

These last 2 weeks of school have been the hardest. ALL TRUCK ALL DAY.... Backing in the first 4 hrs., driving in the last 4 hrs. I cannot express how difficult it is to take everything you've ever learned and turn it inside out... I'm so very thankful to have gone to a school that teaches HOW TO DRIVE instead of the one that teaches how to pass the test. I know I wouldn't have a chance in this industry without my instructor at FSCJ CVD teaching me the things a book will never tell... So much respect to drivers out there today... THANK YOU!!!!/FSCJ-CVD-Program-299672203504135/?tsid=0.4021339421463016&source=typeahead

Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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Just registered!!

I haven't gone for my permit yet but I got great info on it from the administrator during registration today. I plan to start studying for it and clear the tests ahead of time.

I don't know why the date came out that way but I couldn't figure out how to change it (doh). It's the nineteenth. ( Just figured out my phone is auto correcting with random dates every time I do)

Thank you for the links. I'll start on the training guide ASAP!

Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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New to driving

Good for you!

I have also just taken the leap and registered for classes. I can't wait!

Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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Just registered!!

I've been studying this site and others for weeks now. I read The Raw Truth a few weeks ago and The Adventures of Daniel B. in its entirety yesterday and I just registered for class today!

I start October 1926th and I'm so excited! Unfortunately, my Mom's not happy about it at all but I am hoping she will come around.

I want to thank you all for the incredibly useful info on this site!

Soon there will be another gal out there on the road! I hope you guys are nice to me :)

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