Profile For Joshua D.

Joshua D.'s Info

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    In CDL School

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  • Joined Us:
    9 years, 5 months ago

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Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Mcelroy pay

I just got a pre-hire from them too. Did you end up going there if so how do you like it?

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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McElroy Truck Lines

So i have finished two days orientation here it as follows;

1st day is a whole and i mean a whole lot of paper work like more paperwork than it is to buy a house. Then afetr that another guy comes in and talks about saftey and the simulator. He tells saftey is the most important thing and how 99% of all accidents are preventable and a lot of people think they are great drivers in their personal cars but are really average due to eating and checking our cell phones. Also he tells us to take the simulator very very serious and never ever call it a video game.

2nd day is your DOT physical and your agility test its pretty simple a few hard parts but not to hard just breath the whole time through try not to get excited about anything so you can keep that heartrate down. They are big on not having high blood pressure.

So hope that helped out a little ill try and let you know how the rest of my week goes.

Hey redbeard how's it going at McElroy? I'm in trucking school and got a pre hire letter from them. I just want to know about how many miles you get, the reasons they would send you home during orientation, and the thing about your heart rate. Do they check that as you are doing the agility test? Also, any tips and advice you may have. Thanks a lot bud and your career is going great

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