Profile For Bad Bob

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Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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What are the easiest tire chains to put on.

Hey Guys and Gals:

After having one hell of a wrestling match last night in freezing temperatures with the old rusty tire chains my company gave me I am going to the experts (you all!) and asking the question before investing the money: What are the easiest tire chains to install on tractor trailers? My old bones are still aching after last night so I know there's got to be an easier way than what I was doing and a better product than what I have.

Bad Bob

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Thanks to TruckeringTruth

I'm just re-posting something I did months ago and am doing again. Thank you Brett for creating this site for guys like me who are new (again for me) to trucking. This was a great way to get the knowledge necessary to easily get past any tests that I took in the schools and it prepared me for the lifestyle ahead as a trucker. What you do is invaluable. Thanks again. I have been working at May Trucking Company out of Pensacola Florida and doing really well. The future is looking good.

Bad Bob

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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About to start CRST CDL training in Jacksonville, any advice would be appreciated.

Hello Junior: I just dropped in here after months of not doing so because I have been so busy that I just haven't done it. Anyway, I was living in Jacksonville when I decided that enough was enough, with having my wages go down instead of up, and went back into truck driving after a 20 year gap.

I went through school at NTI at Green Cove Springs, Florida. I highly recommend them. I don't recommend Road Master for reasons you can find elsewhere. I now am working at May Trucking Company out of Pensacola Fl. I have been with them for 6 months and I am happy with them. To be sure, everyday is not wonderful because this is a hard job. But guess what, truck driving pays really well because you earn your pay. Don't expect it to be easy. Just grit your teeth and keep going and you'll do just fine. I am earning about twice what me and my wife were earning together and I have enabled her to retire. She's going to come out with me full time in April. Life is good.

About teaming, I am just not comfortable with living in close quarters with anybody but my wife so that was never an option for me. During training I just put up with the trainer and he put up with me and we got past it.

I do know of one company that puts their drivers straight out of school into their own truck alone after orientation. That's Watkins Shepard. I can't personally tell you how good they are because I haven't worked for them. But I have talked to a few of their drivers on the road and they are happy with them.

Anyway, this is a good profession where you can make great money. You can make great money because it is not easy. Some days are wonderful. I've seem some truly awesome scenery that reminds me of just how beautiful this country is. My wife Judi was with me this last time when we were seeing herds of deer migrating south in Montana. You gotta keep your eyes open because there were herds in the road. We also saw some stunning landscapes in Utah between Las Vegas and Denver that I never even knew were there. You'll see things that the people back home only read about or see on the travel channel.

Again, this is not an easy profession but saying that, the longer you're in it the easier it gets. Everything gets easier with repetition.

Good Luck. I'm sure you'll do great. Bad Bob

Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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1st Time Run with May Trucking!

Congrats! I just went solo with May about 2 weeks ago. For a company that hires Rookies, they are pretty good. Good luck out there!

Hey 18 Wheels:

We both know already we could have chosen a whole lot worse. May is a good company. That's the plain truth.

Be Safe!

Bad Bob

Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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1st Time Run with May Trucking!

Congrats Bob. Your in your way!

How do you and your wife like the Pensacola area? We are considering relocating and that is on the short list. Near the ocean and trucking terminals required.


We really like the Pensacola area. You get all the big city amenities without some of the big city hassles. Now you do get rush hour traffic but it's nothing compared to the major cities. D.C. and Baltimore traffic was a nightmare. Jacksonville, FL. traffic could be a nightmare. But Pensacola you just get some slowed traffic at the predictable times of the day. You won't spend hours and hours stuck on the highway. People here seem really friendly compared to the major cities too. Maybe it's my imagination but it seems that way to me. You can sure choose a lot worse area to migrate to. About terminals, I really don't know. I know my terminal is here and that's all I'm really concerned with. Do the research obviously. The summers are hot and humid. (Bring sunscreen!) The winters are extremely mild. If you're from the north, you might be wearing shorts in January.

Take Care Be Safe Bad Bob

Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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1st Time Run with May Trucking!

Good for you Bad Bob. Followed your posts from the very beginning, you definitely had a couple of hurdles to overcome. Awesome to see it through and that you made it to solo status. Best of luck for continued success.

Safe travels.


Thanks for the good words. I am an example of, you don't have to accept being treated like dirt to start over in a new career. Demand to be treated like a professional and you will be. I am definitely coming out of all this ahead. trucking isn't easy but then again, nothing worthwhile ever is. Keep on being safe!

Bad Bob

Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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Graduated Friday and Passed CDL A Test on Saturday.

Hey Bad Bob when you get a minute I sent you a message with some questions. Hope you don't mind. Stay safe out there!

Hey Am:

When I am out on the road my access to email is extremely limited. If you want to send the questions again I will be looking for them. But if it's after 5/20/16 then I may not get them. Sorry but I never got the questions.

Take Care

Be Safe

Bad Bob

Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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1st Time Run with May Trucking!

Hey Guys and Gals:

It's been awhile since I've been on here because ... well I've been working my ass off.

I went through my training and have already been out for my 1st time as a solo with May Trucking Company out of Pensacola.

It's hard work but this is a good company to work for.

There's a lot of stuff that I forgot about that I am having to relearn.

That's alright.

Anyway, life is going good.

Anyone considering going to work for May Trucking Company I would definitely recommend them.

Everything I have seen has been good.

Take Care Be Safe. Bad Bob

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Graduated Friday and Passed CDL A Test on Saturday.

Hello Everybody:

This is just an update to everything that's been put over here:

Got back on Monday with my trainer. It was a good experience. Bradley is a good guy.

I polished my skills up and feel really confident about going out on my own tomorrow.

I do know that occasionally I will forget some of the company procedures even though we went over all of them, but that's bound to happen until everything is down to habit.

Yeah, life is good. Truck Driving is a good career.

Be Safe

Bad Bob

Posted:  9 years ago

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Graduated Friday and Passed CDL A Test on Saturday.

Bad Bob

Do they do any testing in an automatic. That's what I took my test in. Drove a 10 speed manual last time driving but it's been several years. I'm sure the 13 speed would be no problem, but I hate to be testing the first time I drive one. Looks like I'll be starting on the 19th. Can't wait. Happy to hear it's going well and you like the company. That's a huge plus


Hello Sam:

I don't know if they would test in an automatic. I do know they keep saying that soon everyone will have an automatic. Maybe talk to your recruiter about that. I was told that if you go out with a trainer that has an automatic then you will be issued an automatic truck right off the bat. I would love to get an auto- right off the bat but I will do whatever they want me to. I'm just rough at my shifting so an auto- would eliminate that. Of course I'm a little nervous about going with a trainer but the truth is I'm going to absorb everything from him that I can. Yeah, May does look like a great company. We could do a whole lot worse, that's for sure.

Take Care

Bad Bob

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