Pottsville, PA
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Experienced Driver
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I've been a professional driver for 2 years this month. I'm an owner-operator and running NE region.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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I believe Swift's most recent acquisition was Digby out of Denver. Digby includes Digby, Navajo Express, Cargo Express and one other. Can't think of the name. White tractor with gold trim. Gonna bug me now.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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Was in PAon I 81 a few miles from Prime terminal. ...in a construction zone of 45 mph and a freaking FedEx truck crossed into my lane and hit my mirror. ..scared the crap or of me but he kept going. He didn't respond to the cb and was doing at least 60 mph.
Reported it to prime.. trainer confirmed I was in the right. ..and after a brief report I was told it will not affect mewith prime. My first accident and still have my permit
Just get used to that. There will always be that one driver who stayed at the truck stop too long and now has to cut corners to make up the time. Almost exclusively at someone's expense. It could have been a lot worse.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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Was in PAon I 81 a few miles from Prime terminal. ...in a construction zone of 45 mph and a freaking FedEx truck crossed into my lane and hit my mirror. ..scared the crap or of me but he kept going. He didn't respond to the cb and was doing at least 60 mph.
Reported it to prime.. trainer confirmed I was in the right. ..and after a brief report I was told it will not affect mewith prime. My first accident and still have my permit
Please tell me you weren't under a load. If you were, that's insane. An unlicensed driver under a load...and I thought...you know what? Doesn't matter. Prime is gonna do what they are gonna do. At least until Jerry buys them.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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Never said the diesel froze. The line from the pump to the nozzle froze. Actually read what people say before you assume and make yourself look stupid. That said, diesel can freeze. It gels first at 17 degrees Fahrenheit or- 8.1c and freezes solid at- 60c or -70f. So, yeah.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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. I like to be able to use the clutch to throttle the engine in reverse so I can hook a trailer without ramming into it. Same with starting from a dead stop. .
Granted, I haven't driven an Automatic yet, but why is it you have to slam into a trailer in an Automatic when backing? Wouldn't you now be using the break peddle like you would the clutch and control your speed backing up? This seems rather obvious to me, but hey, I could be wrong.
You'd think, but the automatics have a "creep" mode and the brakes are odd to me without a clutch to control the engine. Try it out with one and you'll know what I mean. It's hard to describe other than, it just doesn't feel right. The hook is way too rough. Could have been the kingpin or the 5th wheel. Never had anything hook that hard before. Like I said, it's hard to describe. Just gotta try it.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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Honestly, with practice, you'll never need to look at the tachometer. You'll be able to understand truck language and shift without thinking about it. I tried an automatic and they are terrible. No way to feather the clutch you can't control. The truck picks gears for you, burns up a lot of fuel when it gets rolling. I guess it's just because I'm so used to being able to control every aspect of engine performance and total clutch control, the idea of losing it is unsettling for me. I like to be able to use the clutch to throttle the engine in reverse so I can hook a trailer without ramming into it. Same with starting from a dead stop. You lose those in an automatic. Just my preference though. As for texting and driving, there is a Freightliner being tested right now that drives itself. Get one and text away next generation truckers.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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It's a sticky situation when it comes to pain management and your medical certification. As long as your drugs are legal, they can't tell you not to take them, but they can safety hold you until you stop taking them. I say can, they will safety hold you until you stop. It's a choice you have to make. Stay on the opioid and not drive, or, take an OTC for pain and get the truck moving.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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What I will say positive for Prime, They have decent driver facilities at at least the Salt Lake terminal. Never been to the Springfield one. By it plenty, but never in it. Couldn't be worse than C.R.England's joke of a home terminal. What a nightmare it is. 8 to a room minimum. Insane.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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That's the thing of it. Pime didn't get the contracts they were after. The original owner's son, Brian Henderson took those with him when he left. Honestly though, it's done and over with. Yeah, it ****ed me off, along with most of the company and owner-operators within Henderson and most of us are gone now because of it. Just makes me wonder is all. Earl and John put blood sweat and tears into the company, Josh turns it into an atm. Kids...glad I don't have any.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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My Prime PSD experience
Backing is an art form to some degree. More about setting up than actually backing. There are days it's so easy you wonder how you ever had trouble with it and other days it's so frustrating to get an easy spot. All part of the game. For a real challenge, try docking at some Wal-Mart docks. I've seen drivers take 30+ minutes to bump. Make sure to respond to where the tandems are going to be rather than where they are.