Profile For Boss Mare

Boss Mare's Info

  • Location:
    Madison, AL

  • Driving Status:
    Preparing For School

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  • Joined Us:
    9 years, 5 months ago

Boss Mare's Bio

Love Big Rigs and driving since I was very little. Love ride shoot gun and now ready to take the next step to be driver :) Peterbilt lover thru and thru but would settle for a sweet International or Western Star.

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Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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New To All This

Thanks... appreciate...just lots of decisions to make before signing the dotted line. Hope school going well for everyone. Not that I mind going OTR but would prefer Regional runs as most people probably would. lol. The load/unload part doesn't bother me... I have worked shipping/receiving, dock work and understand how to do all of that. Is what it is...part of the job... just figuring out how to manage time with kids is important to me but staying home not end all be all...just what prefer

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Getting a CDL-The Private School Route

Thanks for in site, info. I have been studying a lot and review LOTS of materials. Like you, I review/go over things multiple times to ensure I know things and totally comfortable with it. The class room stuff not my concern either...its seat time I'm interested in. I myself am currently working and would like to keep finances going while in school. I learn by doing and visual learner so drive time is what I need the most. I've operated lots of farm/heavy equipment and hauled lots of cattle/horses with various types/size trailers, but big rig way different. I'm leaning toward the smaller school as they have better flexibility with a "full time" and "part time" class schedule. Lucky for me the area I'm living in has job boards covered up with postings for CDL drivers wanted...fresh out of school- no experience to experienced for LOTS of companies, but it would be nice to have good standing companies looking within the schools I want to attend. Makes to ultimate job search easier at the end which is whole reason for getting my CDL. Still doing research on this area. Plus like you said benefit of smaller school...more one on one time and have more drive time as fewer people to compete with time in the seat. If you have any other suggestions, or areas that you found I should look into before signing the dotted line...its appreciated... I appreciate your posts/updates...always learn from others and seems you and I are similar in our journey. Stay Safe and All the Best

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Getting a CDL-The Private School Route

Thanks for in site, info. I have been studying a lot and review LOTS of materials. Like you, I review/go over things multiple times to ensure I know things and totally comfortable with it. The class room stuff not my concern either...its seat time I'm interested in. I myself am currently working and would like to keep finances going while in school. I learn by doing and visual learner so drive time is what I need the most. I've operated lots of farm/heavy equipment and hauled lots of cattle/horses with various types/size trailers, but big rig way different. I'm leaning toward the smaller school as they have better flexibility with a "full time" and "part time" class schedule. Lucky for me the area I'm living in has job boards covered up with postings for CDL drivers wanted...fresh out of school- no experience to experienced for LOTS of companies, but it would be nice to have good standing companies looking within the schools I want to attend. Makes to ultimate job search easier at the end which is whole reason for getting my CDL. Still doing research on this area. Plus like you said benefit of smaller school...more one on one time and have more drive time as fewer people to compete with time in the seat. If you have any other suggestions, or areas that you found I should look into before signing the dotted line...its appreciated... I appreciate your posts/updates...always learn from others and seems you and I are similar in our journey. Stay Safe and All the Best

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Officially Solo :)

Congrats!!!!! Stay Safe and Keep on keepin' on smile.gif

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Getting a CDL-The Private School Route

RI Red...I'm trying to decided on school...have lots of company sponsored offers but due to "life situations" I am leaning toward private...Think it is my best option...any advise in what to look for down private school road? I like you have put a lot of time into preparing and studying (Thank you TT)Money not really the issue as can get its the after complete training and job placement I worry the most about as that is reason why most of us are choosing to do this...make a career. I'm located in Northern AL and have two private schools within daily driving distance to choose from. One bigger school and one smaller school. Any advice?

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Handling your ladies time on the road...

Zip lock baggies, handy wipes, and red colored towel to sleep/sit on great as mentioned. Timed loads I understand pressure of not stopping esp if held up somewhere but bc another driver not wanting to....I have GREAT story that might put that in perspective....a "friend" got into a bit of trouble and was arrested...had to spend week in "county hotel" and had started her period. She spent about 4 days in processing where in an individual cell but next to men and guards were either men/women. She saw female guard and asked for products to help her...was given one and told to ask for more as needed. The female guard's shift ended and left. "Friend" needed another one bit later and asked male guard. He denied her request. She kept asking and he kept blowing her off. Finally after few hours...she had bleed threw and made mess in her lovely state issued panties. So what did she do....As the rude guard came by again to check rounds, she slide ruined panties thru food tray slot on his feet and politely asked for more products. When he had to pick up and handle nasty panties he made sure to bring her more products whenever she requested. The point....until MEN have to deal with our monthly problems directly they don't understand that when you say "I NEED to stop/or need this" that you really mean it. It was bold but it made the point directly...not just asking because it's all fun and is a necessity. On the flip side...doing it in sleeper wouldn't be that bad...just do it and if partner has problem with it then tell them to pull over and make a stop so THEY don't have to deal with it. YOU CANT change nature and taking the pill just to avoid periods (not to stop pregnancy) is SO bad for your body...don't risk YOUR health to make someone else feel comfortable with environment! Just my thoughts....ALL the Best

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Leaving in less than 2 hrs for training

Best of will do great!!! Stay safe and keep us posted. We here for you!

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Carrying a Weapon in a CMV

IDK rules exactly but YES...I would of those things to better have and not need then need and not have!!!! You have to look up company policies, and each state you traveling in policies (I have carry/conceal permit in two states)....sure laws about carrying it in locked container etc....of course it in locked container doesn't give you quick access ICE but you can take the rules and work with it. Guns don't kill people, people kill people and as a woman....I want to KNOW I can protect myself at ALL times...I'll do some digging and see what Information I can come up with...School going good today??? No insane instructors driving you crazy?

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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New To All This

I call that I free spirit. I spent most of my life in SW VA near Bristol. Last year I had to move to Madison, AL to help an ailing family member. I have two younger kids with me still (ages 11 and 9) while the other 3 over 18 and out on their own. This is one of the reasons I've delayed a bit in stating my CDL school. I've had several offers thru company sponsored training but time away from home from kids bit struggle to figure out. OTR for year starting out not what I can do at this moment. So I've been looking at private schools, getting my training, and trying to do Regional, Local stuff to start with. Any suggestions re Schools...private/company sponsored??? I can get the $ for private which way I believe I want to go. Plus everything I've read/heard its better as you paying for it so they not trying to weed you out or just number like company school. I have been studying hard to be ready to start school...(thanks TT online training program and reading the AL CDL manual) I'm just ready to do all this but still have planning, scheduling to figure out. Again...I'm new to all this...I'm always open to suggestions, advice. Knowledge is power... Keep on keepin on and stay safe! All The Best

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Dealing with divorce

Not a driver yet (working,studying hard to get there and still trying make school decisions)...but understand the divorce thing....hard no matter what place you lay your head down at night and whether by your choice or not. Just remember it happens everyday...a lot of people can relate so the struggles u going thru aren't faced alone. the benefit of being on road...might change life perspective instead of coping in stuck place. road is freedom to experience life see new horizons literally and figuratively. It takes you anywhere YOU make a and find your new road and see new horizons ...prayers that you find peace.. Stay safe..All The Best

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