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Posted:  5 years, 6 months ago

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Codriver Tells Safety On Me

@Rainy I see what you mean. Questions that were posted were sincere tho and not trollsome and further questioning an answer given is just an attempt to understand something better because it might not have been too clear at times. I see many instances of concession on this end throughout the posts as well. This itself seems like an argument so I’ll stop lol. But yes, I appreciate you taking the time to point all these things out and I hope to be more neutral in my future posts instead of “me against them.”

Posted:  5 years, 6 months ago

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Codriver Tells Safety On Me

@Rainy Thanks for your input. I also went through all the postings just now and what I don’t understand is what is the problem with asking questions on here? If someone wants to know the answer to something because they don’t know it, they must sift through all the talk about feelings in order to get a concrete answer. That’s okay but include answers to the question if possible (almost none of them were answered here). Who cares if something annoys someone or not. Everyone has different perspectives and level of tolerance for things. If someone complains about something, what about it if in the end they comply anyways?

Posted:  5 years, 6 months ago

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Codriver Tells Safety On Me

It’s the same person.

Anttjuan there is no such thing as a shared account...

And stop wasting our time.

Interesting. You too have never heard of more than one person using the same account? Thus the name “Ant t Juan.” If you choose to reply that’s you guys choosing to waste your time, not me.

Posted:  5 years, 6 months ago

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Codriver Tells Safety On Me

Yes, it is the same person, Genius. You also posted before this about getting cited for an unsafe lane change, in which you also struck a guardrail.

Ring any bells? Was that another "Anttjuan R." that we don't have on here?

I read all of YOUR posts, Genius. You have a problem following advice, a problem with authority, and clearly a major problem driving safely.

Click on your own profile and go back and read your own posts.

Done wasting time with this one. Good luck.

Ever heard of SHARED accounts, Genius? Yes, waste your time elsewhere please. ✌️

Posted:  5 years, 6 months ago

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Codriver Tells Safety On Me

I just went back through your posts from 1.5 years ago, and you had a safety issue then, too, for continuing to drive after a mandatory company wide weather shutdown.

You definitely need to focus on your driving.

Not the same person.

Showing the video will only make you look worse. They will look at it as you being petty and trying to save yourself and it isnt about safety otherwise you'd have addressed it immediately.

So technically they can just brush off that he used his phone while driving solely on the basis that my intentions are petty, right?

Posted:  5 years, 6 months ago

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Codriver Tells Safety On Me

(You can skip to the 2nd paragraph to get to the gist.) I’ve been on the same dedicated route for some years now and about 6 months into it, I got a new codriver to run that route with me. Like most people, we’ve had our ups and downs but the biggest one had been about custody of the truck on home time. I never needed to take the truck home but he wanted to take it everytime since he lived over an hour away which was fine with me except he would expect me to get off the company truck as soon as we got to the terminal which sometimes meant only 6 hours into my sleep. Long story short, the company got involved and said the truck must stay at the terminal which meant he would need to find his own transportation home.

So here’s what is happening now. He brought up to safety that he wants a new codriver because he fears for his life due to my driving which was conveniently timed because the same day before, I got called in to safety and put on probation for critical event reporting on the truck that it automatically generates while driving if it detects any. As a result of him saying that (since he knew what the safety meeting was about) and also him requesting a new Codriver, the company decided to put me off that route in place of a new codriver for him. (And yes, it really was because of what he told them since the company still expected me to make pick up at the usual time after the safety review.) Of course, all this was done without him talking to me about it and so I was not prepared nor expecting this.

Now here’s the part where I would like some input and some decisions-making feedback & what the consequences might be for each. (My ideal outcome would be to continue that dedicated lane somehow, even if with him):

To start, let me just say that I have a video recording of him driving while he was scrolling through his cell phone on more than one occasion. —Could I be protected from getting fired if I showed the company this video and in retaliation they fire me? (Codriver is very good friends with the safety people.) —Can the company themselves get in trouble if they DON’T fire him with the knowledge and proof of what he was doing? —Unlike him, I would like to bring this to his attention first but if I do and he informs the company of my intentions before I show them, can I get fired for “conspiracy” though it is provable? —Or what if I do show him and he says “Hey never mind, come back on this route with me” which in all honesty I would like to be put back on that route.

If in the end I don’t get the route back, so be it but I’m just not too fond with the way he reacted when he himself has had questionable driving behaviors as well and yet he gets to put me off while he stays. I don’t know yet what, or if, I’m even going to do anything. I hope someone can answer some of the above questions and also welcome additional comments, whether good or bad.

Posted:  6 years, 3 months ago

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Company Asks For Drug Test While Zero HOS Left

with 4 years of driving, im kinda wondering why you need to ask.

I needed to ask because I didn't know the answer. Even if I had been doing this for 10 years and it was the first time something like this had happened, I would still ask. To answer your question though, I've had a mixture of both solo and team runs throughout those years. Mostly teams though.

Posted:  6 years, 3 months ago

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Company Asks For Drug Test While Zero HOS Left

@Turtle Like Robert D. (Raptor) said, it happened to one if his guys three times in one month. I'd rather be informed about these things than just be caught by surprise and not know what I can and can't do. At least now I know it's something I must comply with regardless of the clock or what my status is. That is all I was seeking to know here.

I don't know where the comments like "chill out" and "suck it up" are coming from. Just because I seek to know what rights I have as a driver? Or because I said it bothered me a bit that I had to be awoken from my sleep? Well I'm definetly not going to jump for joy over something like that. Of course I'm not going to like it. Either way, I got my answer many comments ago and I appreciate everyone who contributed to it.

Posted:  6 years, 3 months ago

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Company Asks For Drug Test While Zero HOS Left

@G-Town I've been doing this for 4 years. I understand what you're saying. Thanks for your input.

Posted:  6 years, 3 months ago

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Company Asks For Drug Test While Zero HOS Left

@Old School I am not paranoid. My question was mostly about what the rules are rather than what would you do. I guess I have to realize when asking these questions that some drivers would probably drive beyond their limited hours if they can or if the law allowed it. I am more so the opposite in that I prefer to get good rest, eat well, exercise, and be more balanced overall, even at the cost of missing out on "big bucks." Therefore I want to know what the regulations are and use them to my advantage in the case that one day some company wants me to do things that are unreasonable. So far, my company have indeed treated me fairly for years and I am very content with them and as far as I know, I am also in good standing with them.

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