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Posted: 9 years ago
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I wish someone can advice me if he/she been there
i sent you a pm with info
Posted: 9 years ago
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Orentation brett old school erool need you
You can do this SamTon. Just make it happen!
Posted: 9 years ago
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Orentation brett old school erool need you
Hopefully this will help. Let us know what else you need. Try not to panic, you'll get it.
Will do G I am going to study Thanks man
Posted: 9 years ago
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Orentation brett old school erool need you
I feel so ...... needed! I told your wife you can PM me. I'll get on the phone and walk you through what you need. But go through the Logbook Rules section first.
I going to spend time till I get them right. I just don't know what directio to take at all I know yall can't tell me what job to get but are we doing the right thing. I can sit on my rear for 7 years and retire. I am just confused
Posted: 9 years ago
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Orentation brett old school erool need you
Wow. Attempted robbery on a Greyhound! If anyone had tried that on me, Greyhound would have had a BLOODY MESS to clean up. I hope you reported it to Greyhound and the POLICE!
I was asleep he tried to take my phone whhen he touched me it woke me I told the driver when he came back and took him to the front of the bus so I stayed awake. Just glad its over
Posted: 9 years ago
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Orentation brett old school erool need you
Also a guy tried to rob me while I was asleep on the bus ride home around midnight I never went back to sleep and it was a 19 hour ride and only been on the bus since 6 that afternoon so be careful on greyhound
Posted: 9 years ago
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Orentation brett old school erool need you
Go to the High Road training section on this site and STUDY the Logbook section. Over and over! Hours or weeks, whatever it takes. Print out sample sheets and practice. Brett has done an excellent job putting it together. Get your wife to study with you, you CAN do it, they are not easy but can be mastered by anyone. Do not give up. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE
My mistake was I assumed when They said refresher course and go with a trainer for 21 days I would learn then. Had I been told I would have learned it but it never crossed my mind
Posted: 9 years ago
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Orentation brett old school erool need you
Ok i went to melton they sent me home because i never had to do logs before. I was not catching on quick enough. I have been driving trucks and i drive a tow truck I can do this but doint know where to go from here. My wife and I want to go on the road together. Good or bad I need your advice and lots of it. I would like to hear from brett old school and erroll with advice. You guys have talked to tonya while i was gone and thank you for that.
Posted: 9 years ago
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Well, he hung in there as long as they let him. He was good on all but the logbooks. Their recommendation is for him to train for 6 months with another company and then come back to them for 4 day refresher and they will put him in a truck. We are blessed that he has a job already that he can come back to and not sure if he will do that and give up the job security he has since we live on his income. It is good he has an option and that they did not just say, leave. Just wanted to give you the update.
Posted: 9 years ago
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Melton Trucking Training
Wyndham hotel the rucruiter should tell you all you need to know. Who is your rucruiter?