Profile For Joshua D.

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Posted:  9 years ago

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42 yrs old. Last DUI, 2008. WANT TO START CAREER O/O

thank you all for your feedback. I am going to look into with the motor vehicle department and as well with a few carriers. Wish me an outside shot of luck on this

Posted:  9 years ago

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42 yrs old. Last DUI, 2008. WANT TO START CAREER O/O

Armyman... I am just now realizing the base idea of your reply. WOW! I am likely going to have to own my own rig in order to drive professionally.?? My past has a decidedly haunting effect!

I do appreciate your comments.

Posted:  9 years ago

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42 yrs old. Last DUI, 2008. WANT TO START CAREER O/O

Hairyman, No I have had only the 4 duis... Misdemeanor mind you. But no, no violations/nothing in the last 7 years.

Armyman, you mentioned maybe only over the road.

That is my first choice, go to a company like Swift, take the school/training and drive o/o with Swift for a couple years... Then I could shop for more of want out of a carrier.

I just want to get my foot in the door.

Posted:  9 years ago

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42 yrs old. Last DUI, 2008. WANT TO START CAREER O/O

So is it simple to say that I am not eligible to get my CDL even tho my dui misdemeanors were spaced out (96,98,04,08) and the last one was over seven years ago.

Posted:  9 years ago

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42 yrs old. Last DUI, 2008. WANT TO START CAREER O/O

A footnote, Arizona law requires I install an IID breathalyzer in my personal vehicle to complete the court order. Everything in line, IID has another 6 months attached to my car.

So my current AZ DL has a IGNITION INTERLOCK label on it.

Wondering if I'll be able to get CDL and be accepted by companies before I remove my cars IID?? or will I have to wait till I've completed that one year penalty.

Even then, do you know if 4 misdemeanor DUI's will keep me from driving professionally.


Posted:  9 years ago

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42 yrs old. Last DUI, 2008. WANT TO START CAREER O/O

I so much would appreciate the chat and heads up to weather or not my driving record will allow me drive professionally.

Right to the point. I have a spotless driving record other then 4 AZ DUI misdemeanors.

1996, 1998, 2004, 2008

So its been seven years since my final offense. Am I eligible to obtain my CDL class A? I have my valid AZ drivers license.

I would love to go thru Swift ir another reputable CDL train/contract hire with company and drive cross country routes.

I thank you for any suggest and or answers. Josh D

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