Lynchburg, VA
Driving Status:
In CDL School
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Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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About to finish up Psd with Prime!
It is $250. I'm very happy with my instructor. After about 4 hours on the pad he went and picked up his trailer and we hit the road. He drove about an hour then pulled over and told me I was driving. I drove 3 or 4 hours the first day and been driving 6 to 8 each day after. I hope I get to test out right before Christmas. I can't wait for TNT. Working hard for the Trifecta.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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About to finish up Psd with Prime!
I'm with Prime also. Sitting at a Walmart DC waiting to be unloaded right now. End of day 4 of my PSD. I have almost 1k miles as of today.
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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About to finish up Psd with Prime!
Did you have to pay any money out of pocket upfront? Or do you get paid for training to be able to put towards the permit and other expenses?
Not trying to hijack Don's thread....
You need to come with $155 for $100 for program entry fee and $55 for permit fees and transfer fees. They loan you $200 a week while you are in PHD which is 2 to 3 weeks. Once you come back to upgrade you will get a $250 bonus if you Trifecta and pass all 3 test to get your class A CDL and then once you start your TNT portion of you training you start getting paid $700 a week. Sometimes more if you drive extra miles. Once you start getting paid in TNT they start taking $25 a week to pay back the loans you received during PSD. You don't have to take the loans. They are loaded on you comdata card but what you don't use will not have to be paid back. I suggest getting your learners permit before you go. It is less stressful and an expense you won't have to have when you get there.
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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About to finish up Psd with Prime!
I go out in the morning for my first day. My trainer says "first thing in the morning". I'm excited and nervous. From what I hear all the trucks that Prime will be buying starting first of the year are automatics. Don't know if I like that or not, I just know that I'm glad all of my training will be standard transmissions. Also heard that they are doing away with the lightweights but couldn't get anyone that works at Prime to confirm that. The instructors at Campus Inn did confirm the autos though.
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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Prime , Pam or CRST for finishing CDL school
I'm at the Prime Campus Inn right now. I have completed week one and I have already talked to my PSD instructor and I will meet up with him on Monday. I have nothing but good things to say about how I have been treated so far. The instructors and staff have been more helpful then I could have ever imagined. We had about 65 students start this week and I believe at the end of the week there were 45-50 that finished week one. They feed us well, the room they put you in at Campus Inn is clean and well maintained. The Millennium Building is fantastic. I believe I made the best choice when I chose Prime. Just have all you stuff in order if you come. Listen to all that you recruiter says and ask them all kinds of questions.
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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At no time did they ask people what state they got their permit from. Then only thing was that if you are from California you have to do some special form for your DOT physical. I would absolutely get my permit before coming to Prime. If you don't all they do is say "Here is a Missouri book, go study." A few of us PSD students were all talking and some of us used the High Road class on this forum. We all had good things to say about. On student even said she might suggest it to the instructors. I might too.
Some states require you to get your medical card before you can test. If you come to prime with your medical card and permit. Good for you. However, you will still have to get a medical card here. In a sense you would be just wasting money. Just study as much as you can before coming and take your test here. Will save u some money
I agree that it will save you money. With that said it saved me a lot of time and headache. By having my permit all I have to do is go by the DMV once to transfer my permit. Everyone else seems to be doing their other task like the simulators and CBT's plus finding time to study and take multiple trips to the DMV if they were not lucky enough to pass the first time. In VA it cost me $85 for the DOT physical and $6 for the permit. I feel that by spending $91 a month in advance it saved me time and stress while I'm here doing PSD.
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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At no time did they ask people what state they got their permit from. Then only thing was that if you are from California you have to do some special form for your DOT physical. I would absolutely get my permit before coming to Prime. If you don't all they do is say "Here is a Missouri book, go study." They also recommend cristcdl.com. A few of us PSD students were all talking and some of us used the High Road class on this forum. We all had good things to say about. On student even said she might suggest it to the instructors. I might too.
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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I really enjoyed it. I have to retake my blood pressure in the morning. I was nervous and it spiked. If I can't relax for the retake in the morning they will be sending me home.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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About to finish up Psd with Prime!
They are making me do the sleep study when I go back to test for my CDL. My bmi is in the 40's. I knew I would be pegged for the study before I went. I have no problem with it at all. From what the lady in the sleep study meeting said years ago a Prime driver fell asleep and killed a family of 4 and since then Mr Low is strict about the sleep study and I totally understand.
The info they told us is a BMW of 36 and over will flag you. I could be wrong about the exact number. 36 or 37...somewhere around there. Also male neck size of 17 and female neck size of 15.5 will flag you. She said over 40 years of age is a factor but I believe that is only part of it cause not everyone over 40 was chosen for the study. My roommate at Campus Inn went for the sleep study and he was 300 pounds and snored loudly. He did not have to get the machine. I watch a YouTube video from Mark Staite. He said after using the machine you would have to fight him to get it off his truck. He claims he sleeps better and has more energy during the day and does not get tired as easy. My brother has used it for over a decade and he likes his too. I'm kinda looking forward to the study.