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Posted: 9 years ago
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Something else I just remembered if you're goo to run steel coil whips you'll need maxi mounts which cost about 20 a piece and you'll need 2. All In all you'll be in about 180 by the time it's done but you'll have a sweet setup.
Posted: 9 years ago
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I run two terminator 2 series steel whips( about 50 a piece) with two Mini 8 coax cables( about 20 a piece) to my Bearcat 980. I have the coax attached using a T connection and the whips dropped down as far inside the coils as they will go, this has me at 1:0:0 on SWR on all 40 Chanel's and all 80 sidebands as well. I just had the radio tweaked peaked and modded so I can push out further but you don't need to do that. With just the Whips and coax though I was pushing out good and receiving damn good. Try that setup if you want this same setup worked wonders with my 880 as well.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Flat spot on tires - please explain
Looks like his breaks froze or he forgot to release the brakes That or he locked them up I'm willing to bet they were frozen though saw this a lot back in North Dakota in the oilfields.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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What defects are ok to ignore?
Minor fuel leaks and oil drips I'll usually bring to my companies attention but will will still drive air lines and such I'll see if I can't fix it my self usually but if I can't it goes to the shop and breaks I don't mess around with those are must get fixed. Lights and such are a thing I will try to fix my self as well. But if I can't then it will go in basically I try fixing it if it's something I can do but don't take the risk of getting trouble over saving the company money it's your career in the end not theirs.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Didn't see that part of the statement, I would then ask the shop to either move it for me or put 13000lb steers on my truck all though for the most part if I was over by that little amount I would usually just plan my fuel stops to be after I cross the coop or I would dodge them all together.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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It's in your 5th wheel move it back one notch if you're over by 100 and you'll be good each notch is usually 250lbs so that will put you right where you want to be.
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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I would get at least a cobra 29 the cobra 18 and 19 are junk, also your distance will come from a really good antenna setup most stock radios will reach about 4 to 6 miles with a well tuned antenna setup . That begin said you can also go to CB shops and get some high power CBs and antennas and can really reach out I have mine hot boxed and can push out well over 100 road miles. Remember though to if you wish to spend the money on a good setup that it doesn't come cheap I would start small with a good cobra some fire sticks and a FireWire coaxe cable and that will get you there pretty good.
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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Depends on what you're after if you want damn good setup if you're ever in Bakersfield CA there is a guy there that will mod the crap out of your CB and hook you up with everything you need I've had other people hear me at some serious distance.
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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I do tankers and have never had anyone hauling dry van turn me down however some companies that run stuff like flatbed may want previous flatbed experience I say pick a area you want and stick with it because you'll learn certain ways of driving in a tanker that won't relate to dry van and so on. It's much better to find the area you want and stick with it I've done tankers now for awhile and wouldn't think of doing anything else.
Posted: 9 years ago
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CB setup
I've tried the wilsons but I seem to get better range from the terminator with the 2 of them set up right and offset from each other with a good coax you should get some good distance I was getting about 4 miles out of the box before I had it modded.