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Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Insurance Business Liability

If you no matter how VIN write select to your taste :). I have no CDL, I'm trying to find information on the costs related to the organization of this business. I appeal to you for help as a specialist in this matter. Just help me to get this information. I do not ask the exact amount, but at least you can say about the upper and lower amount? If you have previously insured such trucks, just tell sum. It is also very easy.

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Insurance Business Liability

Thanks for your reply! But you have not answered my question. I asked "what expenses I have to do." What kind of insurance premium I have to pay the agent for getting insurance for $ 750,000? If you have extensive experience in the insurance just write what about the amount I have to pay? $ 10,000, $ 50,000 or $ 100,000 ????? Nobody me not to say. This is a terrible state secret?

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Insurance Business Liability

Sorry, lost me in a previous thread with your not paying taxes. We have some horrible loopholes to allow this sort of C#$%!

Do you know exactly? Do you have experience in such matters? This is not a loophole, it is an interstate agreement between the US and Ukraine on avoidance of double taxation. If I am a resident of another country and live in the country for more than 183 days, I have the right to pay taxes in the country of residence. IRS under this agreement has no right to demand the payment of taxes on that income again. I pay taxes, but in Ukraine. The American company is not required by law to keep these taxes do not have to pay pension and health insurance. I has long been working independent agent in US companies. They consulted with lawyers and accountants, they have been checking the tax service. No problem. All under the law.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Freight broker


Zdahrovah guys! It mean Hello! I have the impression that this is not a forum cool truckers, and the Faculty of Philology at the University :) If my English is so bad the same as your Russian I am very ashamed.


I used Google Translate. I hope it wasn't anything bad!

To use the Google translator, you need to know the language a bit. I taught English at school, and I have 10 years experience in English. I see Google as a translator lies :) very often have to correct words, otherwise the meaning of written strongly changes. For example, in the Russian language there is a word "zahbor". It means a pick up and a fence. Russian language is very difficult. For example it 6 cases for nouns, and scientists allocate 13 cases. In English, there are only 2. So Google translation looks very childish :)

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Insurance Business Liability

750k is minimum, most brokers, especially being new won't look at you without a million base. Try hitting MATS OR GATS with as much of a plan as you have as there will be a couple of dozen insurance companies trying to get your attention.

Thank you! I was not very worried about requirements of brokers. I have a large database of orders. I'll be grateful to you if you give a link. What I found in Google it is not related to the transport and insurance.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Insurance Business Liability

According to this website Truck Liability Insurance Policy limits, generally, for operations with trucks over 10,000 gross vehicle weight have a required limit of $750,000. This limit is set by the FHWA on interstate travel and, generally, matched by the various States.

Now that is the very minimum and only covers the damage that YOU do. It does not cover damage that uninsured people do to you. And then you have to add in trailer insurance and cargo insurance which will cause that number to go up.

Check out this link as it deals with Owner Operators and it will give you a pretty good idea. OOIDA If the info is available it will be listed on that website.

Thank you! A lot of useful information, but there is no answer to the main question is "how much does it cost?". All questionnaires need to specify truck VIN and driver's license. You have friends or acquaintances who have this business? How much they pay? I have to understand the exponent of prices at least approximately.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Insurance Business Liability

If you do not live in the USA, you may not be familiar with this. You know "liability" is for damage that you may have caused. In the USA, someone who suffers injury or damage will ask for a large amount of money.

Also if you are a car carrier, you are responsible for good delivery of your freight. US$5 million is a low estimate.

I agree with you, I do not know, but I want to know. My question is not how to get maximum coverage, and that what insurance is mandatory, so that I can start working. The other side of this issue is the insurance premium. Basically, I'm interested in just that. If the premium is 20%, and 750,000 is a lot, and if 1% is possible and 10 million. Insured. It's not a problem for me.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Insurance Business Liability

Thank you for your replies! For me, any information is valuable. If only it were that easy, I would not ask. I'm looking for this information for a month. All insurance agents ask VIN number of the truck and the driver's license. Without these data, they do not provide information on quotas. Even approximately. Believe me, I spent a lot of time for such conversations with insurance agents, I talked to them on the forum, I wrote letters to them directly. The answer is the same. Too little information, but it may not be much, it's a business project. According to their logic, I have to buy a truck hire a driver and only then to find out the cost of insurance to understand the company is not profitable!? For information about the mandatory insurance for 5 million, I have never seen. Several times I have seen comments about insurance in 750,000 and 1 million. It is logical that the company's revenue of 1 million per year and the cost of Cargo approximately 200,000. sum of 5 million seems to me too much money, not based on economic logic.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Freight broker

Now for the problems. I have a huge experience of transportation. I'm a trucker and I know all the specifics of the work. I have no experience in the United States. Now, I am an independent agent of the shipping company, which is in the United States. The company makes the delivery services of containers from the US to Europe. I found this company to clients. I have access to a large database of orders from individuals who want to make the transportation within the United States. Due to the specifics of my company, focused on export container shipments, lost huge amount of customers. I want to find carriers in the United States that could carry out these orders. For transport companies it will be profitable. I am not a US citizen and therefore for me it is not necessary to pay taxes and insurance. I do not require a monthly payment, as an employee. All the money from the customer will receive the carrier and to give me a small percentage. The solid advantages! Give me some advice on how to find the independent contractors or small transport company?

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Freight broker

Zdahrovah guys! It mean Hello! I have the impression that this is not a forum cool truckers, and the Faculty of Philology at the University :) If my English is so bad the same as your Russian I am very ashamed.

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