Spokane , WA
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Company Driver In Training
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Posted: 9 years ago
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Scaling out help for heavy haul
Well that gives me a good idea of how it works. Now hopefully they get me out to see my new truck so I can learn it all hands on. Thanks again for sharing your wealth of knowledge with me.
Posted: 9 years ago
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Scaling out help for heavy haul
Wow thank you so much for the reply. So because I can't slide my trailer axles if there is more weight on them then my drives do I just deal with that as long as I'm legal or is that when the amount of pressure on the drop axles comes into play?
Posted: 9 years ago
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Scaling out help for heavy haul
I just got done with my 5 weeks training and during that time i drove a KW 680 with a 53ft reefer. Now that i'm done they are telling me i will be running the heavy haul fleet. The tractor has 2 rear axles with a third drop axle and the trailer is the same with 3 and a 4th drop axle. They are going to send me out sometime here soon to learn how to scale out. Although I would like to get a head start so if anyone can point me to some info on how to do this or knows how to themselves I would really appreciate and help. Thanks again.
Posted: 9 years ago
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I'm thinking you are going to alley dock in to your bay then when done pull forward and do a offset and past the dock to the right. Then all you have to do is turn right and pull out.
Posted: 8 years, 12 months ago
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Week 3 of 4 driving with a less than good trainer
I would say if you're about to drive and your trainer won't let you do a PTI. I just wouldn't drive or just get out of the truck and start doing it. If you are the one behind the wheel when something goes wrong or you get pulled in for a inspection it's your ticket.