Atlanta, GA
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I am The Wife of a New Trucker In Training.
I LOVE This site!! I have read many of the Trucker's Forum posts and The Blogs.... There is such a WEALTH Of information for a "newbie" like myself. Everyone is very helpful and forthcoming in the info/experiences they share.
I came on to get more of an insight on what I can do to Continue to Support my husband in his career. Or what things could be important to him. I KNOW ALOT... But I don't Know Anything about THIS!
But what I DO Is That I STILL FIGHT LIKE A GIRL EVERYDAY... To Beat Cancer!!!! #WINNING I might Add! :) I am a Breast Cancer Survivor and I RUN the House... While he RUNS The Road lol. That's fine with Me. I studied so Hard and long with him, the Thought of becoming a Team did cross my mind... Then I realized, Oh...I HATE Driving more than an Hour ANYWHERE, especially in a Truck! But I am a CERTIFIED "RIDA"/Ride Or Die Chic... I mean that in MORE ways Than ONE! :) WE ARE A TEAM... I am the CO-CAPTAIN (REALLY THE CAPTAIN-BUT I DON'T WANT TO BURST HIS BUBBLE:) lol. We have had a Second Chance at Our First Love from 30 years ago and since I found him on FB 4 1/2 Years ago after Both Divorces... We've Been Together!!!! We do Most everything together... No MATTER The Distance. I take Good care of myself, the kids and him, so he doesn't Worry about me or my health while he's OTR. That's the Least I can do for him putting his career on hold to Nurse me back to health and Support me in my fight! This seems to be such a Grueling, Intense, yet at the Same time, Humbling and Rewarding Career.... And Well, as Most times... I GOT HIS BACK!!! I'm looking to going on a few Trips with him soon, of course, I wanna cook and make sure he's eating Right and just Travel and Be WITH HIM and SEE The country!! Especially, When I'm Not Working!!
I'm in AWE of the WOMEN that do this job, like its Nada!! And I'm Proud of The Men too!!! This Can't be Always EZ for them... Especially with the "Lot Lizards" I hear about! lol Learned that on youtube/FB!
Any Advise or Info for this "Trucker'sWife" (I LOVE SAYING THAT!) will be Truly appreciated!
Safe Travels and Peace to Everyone!
Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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Are There Any Trucker's Wives Here?
Are there any trucker's wives here? Husband In training.... Curious to See if any other Wives at home here.
Just seeking some Pointers/convo on what it's REALLY Like being a Trucker's Wife