Profile For Dimination

Dimination's Info

  • Location:
    Jacksonville, NC

  • Driving Status:
    In CDL School

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  • Joined Us:
    9 years, 4 months ago

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Posted:  9 years, 3 months ago

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Flatbed companies hiring east of 95?

I will call them all tomorrow, but I don't think Maverick does since they have a hiring map that is all west of 95. Gypsum Express hires out of somewhere in South Carolina but their recording said "the Carolines". I haven't looked up Decker or ATS yet.

Posted:  9 years, 3 months ago

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Flatbed companies hiring east of 95?

Okay, I recently graduated from CDL school and my test is tomorrow. I've been looking and looking for a decent flatbed company and my friend referred me to TMC Transportation, which only hires west of I-95. My wife and I had decided to move west of I-95 but due to some personal events, we are no longer moving there and I need to find a flatbed company that hires east of I-95. I called and applied to Melton Truck Lines and for whatever reason they decided to do with another candidate (weird considering the supply/demand of truck drivers, but I wasn't going to argue because my friend said their offer wasn't good, and he's a flatbed truck driver as well). So I called another company he suggested who had an advertisement for drivers that's east of 95 (Kinston, NC), but I called them and they don't hire east of 95 apparently.

Does anyone know of any other flatbed companies that hire east of 95? Closest major city is Jackvonville, North Carolina.

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Its Official

That's awesome. I'm excited for you. Do you find car hauling fun? I've done some personal car hauling, but never on a trucker's scale. Does it pay well?

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Good company to look at?

Well we don't know much about your personal situation but generally speaking there's nothing wrong with embarking on a new career to see where it leads. You might love it, you might not, but you're certainly going to experience a lot and learn a lot in the process. If trucking seems like it might be worth pursuing, at least for a while, then give it a shot.

My personal situation right now is that I need to start making a steady flow of income to provide for my family, pay off debt, and save. I do eventually want to use my GI Bill to go to college for something computer related, but I don't want to rush into it and waste my school money. I want to wait until I know exactly what degree I want to pursue, so for now I just need to make some money. I know trucking is hard, but I've heard that it pays rather well, and I am ready and willing to work for my money.

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Good company to look at?

So, I'm taking classes to get my CDL with Miller-Motte College right now and I was hoping to get started working for ALL Carolina Crane. A buddy from the Marines (got out about 2 months ago myself) said he wanted to hire me, but he can't guarantee that his boss will let him hire any new people. That class is the only reason that I started taking the classes to begin with, but the more our trainer talks about trucking, the more interesting it gets to me.

As I mentioned earlier, I just got out a couple of months ago and money is tight right now while I wait for my VA to kick in and to decide what degree I want to pursue in college. I hope I don't get bashed for this, but would it be a bad idea to go over the road for a couple of years to make some money and pay off debt? For all I know, I might end up loving it and making a life time career out of it, but for right now it seems like a good way to support my family.

I'd love to hear from some other truckers and get a little conversation going.

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