Brooklyn Park, MN
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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GREAT SITE BRETT.. I have takin advantage of your online CDL prep.as well as endorsement test. And have taken all advice to heart. Good People here THANKS you all really helped me get my CDL-A.
That tanker above is kind of a dream ride for me.. scenery aint bad either
Posted: 11 years, 3 months ago
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First Three Months Doin City P&D
Wow over 3 monthes have passed. have not posted for a while... 60 hr weeks.. Not complaining. Getting real good at sight side backing into the worst type of rinky dink docks known to mankind. Gotta keep practicing blind side backs. Just a shout out to New Comers. Good Luck ! , and Thanks Brett. Your prep exams and positive feedback has really helped me on my way.
Posted: 11 years, 6 months ago
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You know Brett, its funny you should say that " Running with the Big Dogs ". I will be out on my own next week. LTL driver, City P&D. They run Mack trucks ! I get to look at a chrome dog butt all day ! I like it. some vry tough docks though, with a 53' in town. Thanks Brett , I will be checking back into " High Road " for weights and balance education.
Posted: 11 years, 6 months ago
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When can I get my CDL endorsements?
Brett I'm sorry. I did not mean to devalue the rest of the material. You have put together a great source of good info. My only point was , in order to obtain permit. Gk cmb and ab is all that is needed. . I will refrain from posting advice, i kind of did this on a real fast track. I did not have the kind of time before obtaing a license . I totally agree with you about the need to learn and know all of the sections to properly perform all duties required. Again Brett, I meant no disinformation to anyone.
Posted: 11 years, 6 months ago
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When can I get my CDL endorsements?
Patrick, I believe for Class A ( if you are not driving Bus/ Coach ) you can get DT= doubles triples and Tanker. Study the High Road Training Program under those sections. Super easy ! Get your tanker before HazMat, then you get an X endorsement ( Covers hazardous tanker ) $ 2.50 each at the time of your permit. If you have not got your permit, study Gen Knowledge GK, Combination CMB and AirBrakes AB... here at "High Road" before you get your permit. Every one is right HAZMAT is around 80+_ bucks for fingerprints/ background check...
For the permit Study Gen Knowldege, Combination Vehicles, and Airbrakes. get permit. Study tanker and doubles triples then get those two endorsements. Then study Hazmat like for awhile, ( huge section )Then your can get that endorsement.
You can do it how you like, though I did it in that order.
Do not worry about pretrip, hours of service, cargo handlening, and such, cause private or co sponsered CDL training covers all that stuff. So much to learn, pace yourself. Good Luck
Posted: 11 years, 6 months ago
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Steven's Driving Academy....Am I going?
Lawrence, probably a good call for plan B . my choice was private school with MN state recognition. Though if you know you have chosen OTR the Co sponsered training is not a bad option. Commercial Drivers License opens you up to a wealth of otherwise unobtainable opportunity. Even if only B class straight truck, chaffuer, etc... That is why i did not want to be beholden to a particular company.
That being said, you have come to the right place for honest answers regarding the industry. Do a full check of any possible disqualifiers first! Criminal history, DWI's Medical ( epilepsy, pain perscriptions ) etc...
Then the best advice I can offer is to take FULL advantage of the "High Road Series" - CDL training offered here.
Do- general knowledge, combination, and airbrake. Then get your permit. go to school. go online and fill out a bunch of apps. YOU WILL get a number of prehires. Sort out the best hometime that works for you ( cause at the end of the day/week the pay for new drivers is about the same) Like every one here says " Work for that comany for at least 1 year " you will be set. Good Luck.
Posted: 11 years, 6 months ago
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OK, got it Brett. It is great to see people I went to truck school here. I've spoken with praise about this forum due to the honest fair and correct information. As well as the truely great prep material.
I interview in about 4 hours for a local LTL gig right out of school. Any tips for good interview questions ? My goal is to be entirely honest with them, I believe I really want this job, though there are reasons that 2 years experience is almost always required.
Any insight ?
P.S I did a drive by of thier terminal testerday, looks good. They are running late model Macks, what type of transmissions are typically in that type of rig.
Thanks, Ken
Posted: 11 years, 6 months ago
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That is great Chris. Werner has nice equipment. Good luck out there. I am interviewing tomorrow (Weds) at noon for a local city LTL gig. ( got an inside source )60 hrs a week but home every night Union Shop so good bennys and tall coin. Huge resposibility to the motoring public, navigating city docks in the first year. I spoke to them about training. They said until your trainer can fall asleep in the truck with you driving, you stay with a trainer..Good incentive to learn well.
The only pre hire I really followed up with was from Roehl ( I have a "conditional offer " ) which means they paid for my thier extensive DOT PHY, did a background check, and are just waiting to schedule orintation. There is a lot I like about Roehl. I would be MW regional 5-6 days out and home for 34-48 hrs. Anoher friend told me about ConWay , line haul and unload /load to IA every day for about 60K yr.
Lots of opportunity out there. Lets keep our records clean. If we post with " Heavy Metal " in the subject line, I can probably find your post faster. Thanks and GL
Posted: 11 years, 6 months ago
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Thanks Chris. Congrats to you or your sucess as well. You got the red Volvo ? Truck 101 is real tough on the down shift.
Yeah it feels great.
We have only begun to learn but the weight of the road test is now just a memory. James is going to do great, he was backing around the entire range last Thursday. And I hope King will do great on his retest.
Best of luck , have you figured out who you will start for ?
Posted: 11 years, 6 months ago
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I posted on the general catagory and thought i'd post here too. Yaaaaay ... CDL Aaaaa. Im on my waaay. was a verrrry gooood daaaaaay. Thanks guys. Passing the road test feels good. Was a lot like navigating hell with a half empty fire extinguisher. ( I only say so cause you dont know truck # 101) Real tough seventh and eight gear. .. also backing tracking etc... but I passed and that is that. Time to learn more. and more . and more. Thanks
Posted: 11 years, 3 months ago
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First Three Months Doin City P&D
Yeah man... Brutal is right.. Being new and backing into single space dock between trailers .. from the street... but it is becomeing second nature to feel out a good setup, then execute a back.. G.O.A.L has saved by pride, job, and license mre than once. Also being new, I have learned that shippers will not always load you proper if you dont tell them what you want. A shipper put 34K in the nose of my trailer in the first 16 feet. Not cool. Needed to be right down the center and spaced 1 K per foot Max. Anyhow thanks for the reply. P.S. A guy asked me about trucking while I was at a random UA, I gave him your web site, told him to look here first. Good advise, good people, good info. Thanks.