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Posted: 9 years, 3 months ago
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Age 23, almost zero work experience. Can I be hired?
I am 23 years old and considering starting a career in truck driving. I've been looking over this site for information on the job, what's good and what's not so good, and it sounds perfect for someone like me. I'm more than ready to leave everything I know and get a fresh start with the lonely life, but I have barely any job experience under my belt at all. The last job I had was something akin to a social worker, but that was also a few years ago and the company I worked for isn't around anymore anyway, so good luck putting that on a resume, huh?
Since then I've lived with my parents and done a little bit of self-teaching on computer-related things after quitting college for a while to help with family related-issues. I went back to back to school more than half a year ago, though.
Just this Fall I managed to get a work-study job at the library at my college because I heard that truck companies look for reliability and the setting at the library is very hectic and requires you to adapt and get things done in a timely manner. So, what's going through my head is that would look good to the potential trucking employer, but the job is also only a twice-a-week, 3 hr a day thing, so maybe it wouldn't impress much.
So there's my rather pitiful work/job history. Also I don't know if this is an important detail or not but I got my drivers license during the earlier months of turning 23. Hopefully that wouldnt look bad to a truck company, getting started so late! From experience and knowledge, can anyone make a good guess as to how good my chances are of getting hired if I find a company willing to pay for CDL training and/or a bunch of prehire letters?
Also the page about the prehire process on this site made it sound like companies only look for workers twice a year, and if you don't make the cut then you have to wait 6 months again before trying again. Is that true and if it is, then just out of curiosity, why?
I need to get out and live my life. I've done some dawdling but now I want to get a good start. I hate living with my parents with no money and barely any livelihood when I could be developing some grit out in the real world. I just don't want potential employers to think I'm a lazy but for my sad work history because I have been working very hard lately trying to set things right.
Posted: 9 years, 3 months ago
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Age 23, almost zero work experience. Can I be hired?
Thank you Gary for the information. As far as I can tell from my state's DMV website, I don't need one year or more. I'm gonna a get a hold of someone over the phone that can answer me for sure, though.
My big thing right now is, beyond just sending out a bunch of applications to different companies hoping for prehire letters, is:
1: That the company itself will pay for my CDL schooling, and 2: If finishing just one quarter's worth of a work-study job would really be interesting to a truck company. I would gladly hold out in college for one or a few more quarters as long as I know it would be worth it, but if not, then I'd see if I could use that to get into a job with more hours on more days, which I would have settled on earlier if anyone wanted me, which they didn't, and if I could find one which jived well with my school schedule, which I couldn't do.
Would the HR departments of any companies be able to tell me a thing or two about my chances of making it past their orientation with the history I had? I want to make it the best as possible.
Really I just want to get out of my house ASAP with the best chance I can get that someone will take me as an employee after CDL school, because I can't stand my living environment and the longer I'm in school, the more money I'd owe for the loan I took out. Luckily I have a 6 month grace period to pay it back, and if I'm still unemployed for a certain amount of time then I think I can tell my lender and they'll give more more time. Two months of schooling and then a job w/ a paycheck should probably be enough, even if I need to hold out for a few months living in a car when I'm not trucking and eating discount store food to save.
For a while, truck driving was my back up plan because my plan A, which I was going to college for in the first place, could potentially, eventually, get me to a place where I could live relatively alone, but as it stands now it's kinda toxic where I currently live and I'm not sure I have it in me to make my plan A, so truck driving is starting to look like my path for a great escape. I seriously would not mind the job at all, in fact being away from my friends and family would be the least worst thing at this point because all my friends have moved on now and there's nothing left for me where I live and I don't want to be here any longer than I have to.