Lansing, MI
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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2nd career is happening! Love to drive, and challenges keep things interesting!!
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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Staying toned and ripped in trucking
Interesting and important points here...I am new to trucking, and want to avoid the bad food choices as well. Since I am routinely at a grocery store in my travels, popping in to pick up some fresh fruit/ nuts or veggies are all part of my plan. I tend to stay away from meat, so beans and other non-meat protein are a requirement.
I find that lack of time for regular meals and shorter sleep periods have started to be a BIG part of my new lifestyle on the road...I need to include exercise in my daily routine, along the lines of your pattern, Charles (not as rigorous, though).
I am 57, and in pretty good shape. I want to keep getting better, not slide into disrepair due to my new work!
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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Carrying a Weapon in a CMV
Most likely not a federal offense, unless you are caught on federal property...The most likely circumstance is being charged under a State or Local law/ordinance in which you are at the time of the discovery of the crime. Penalties under MOST State laws for carrying in violation of their CCW law is usually a felony. There remain some local ordinances in some places with lesser penalties...so the answer is, it matters where you are.