Profile For Hector J.

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I'm a correctional officer just looking for other options.

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Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Can you make 6000 a month as a local truck driver?







Hi everybody just an update about my brother in law, he makes 21 per hour working 40 hours a week at Swift and also gets paid by miles as well. Gross pay was over 1000 and took home about 870 dollars. I saw his check so yeah, I guess he does make that much which is good, I guess.




I never knew swift paid both miles and hourly to its drivers



I didn't know that either, but they do according to my brother in law. Ima see If I can post his check on here, and I know I said 6000 but he can make THAT much of he wanted to on good weeks so yeah maybe not 6 stacks but 5 stacks or more.


The "wanting to" part is questionable, the dispatcher determines what he is running and the routes. He is not in a position to tell the planners and dispatchers that he wants to make $1200 this week, but not next week. It doesn't work that way. My first year in this job (for Swift) I made $37,000. Is it possible to make $1250 per week on a consistent basis...possibly, but highly unlikely for a first year driver.

Sorry Hector, but the point of all this is becoming fuzzy, the initial post is now completely moot. If you are serious about becoming a driver we are all definitely here to help, happy to assist. If you want to continue debating how much your BIL can make...go for it, but I am not sure if you are trying to convince us or yourself.

Keep the beef in the freezer, all I did was update this post for the ones that had already posted. I'm definitely not trying to convince you or anyone on here how much he makes, I just asked a question, but if I'm considering a career I am going to do some research. I am going to ask a LOT of questions, before I post anything. This is not my first forum so I know to research and read before posting anything! I couldn't find any information on what I was looking for so i asked 2 questions and they got answered (thanks for answering) I didn't mean for these questions to be a moot but to me this forum is cool even though I am not a truck driver, but I learned a lot on here. This post is dead thanks for answering my questions and I decided not to lose my current job for the on the road life.

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Can you make 6000 a month as a local truck driver?


Hi everybody just an update about my brother in law, he makes 21 per hour working 40 hours a week at Swift and also gets paid by miles as well. Gross pay was over 1000 and took home about 870 dollars. I saw his check so yeah, I guess he does make that much which is good, I guess.


I never knew swift paid both miles and hourly to its drivers

I didn't know that either, but they do according to my brother in law. Ima see If I can post his check on here, and I know I said 6000 but he can make THAT much of he wanted to on good weeks so yeah maybe not 6 stacks but 5 stacks or more.

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Can you make 6000 a month as a local truck driver?

Hi everybody just an update about my brother in law, he makes 21 per hour working 40 hours a week at Swift and also gets paid by miles as well. Gross pay was over 1000 and took home about 870 dollars. I saw his check so yeah, I guess he does make that much which is good, I guess.

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Can you make 6000 a month as a local truck driver?

Yeah, running linehaul. $1,500-2,000 per week, depending on for whom you drive. But yeah, it's possible, before taxes. Not all companies hire new drivers into linehaul in their first year though. You might have to have a year under your belt before you can get out of city driving.

-mountain girl


You see doing line haul I can understand making that much doing that hustle, you get what you put in but locally and working for swift I don't think so. I came to the conclusion that he's full of it and I'm going to leave it alone. Thanks for replies everyone!

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Can you make 6000 a month as a local truck driver?


I don't think your mother in law has accurate information, or all the information


That is what I was thinking. Maybe the driver is a "regional" driver that is NOT home two or three nights a week.


Yea I need to ask him and I'll post it here to keep you guys updated.

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Can you make 6000 a month as a local truck driver?

I haven't heard of any salary truck jobs at Swift, but being a local driver with lots of short runs within the same town, that may be. IDK, too!

Haha I need to ask him. He lives in California, does working in other states make a difference in pay?

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Can you make 6000 a month as a local truck driver?

Questions to answer:


1. Can you make 6k per month? Withing the 1st year?
2. Can you make 250k a year being a truck owner?


Hector, nothing like checking the facts, right? I drive for Swift as a Company Driver. That means I do not own my truck, but I drive as an employee. My average GROSS pay for the last four weeks is about $800 per week = $3,200 per month. I started driving last February (all for Swift), and I figure this is pretty close to some "average" company driver pay.

If your brother-in-law is a lease/operator or owner/operator, he will be paid much more, maybe even $6,000 per month. But then he must also pay for his own fuel and tires, and those truck payments, too. So his bottom line, after paying for the business part, will be pretty close to my paycheck.

To keep that $250K in the apples to apples category, that $250K is just about $20,800 per month. As an independent driver, that guy may own other trucks and have other drivers working for him.

Thanks for he reply, so he CAN make that much if he invested in his own truck then? Hmm but is salary even an option payment? I read that companies pay per mile unless you're like a manager or something but first year driving, salary? Idk

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Can you make 6000 a month as a local truck driver?

What's up! I have a question which I can't seem to find on this forum or the Internet for that matter, okay well my mother in law was telling me I should work and drive trucks for a living (I'm a correctional officer at the moment) so I started reading and reading and reading. My brother in law just started working for Swift 7 months ago and works locally now. He spent weeks away from home until he found a local gig with the same company.

Sorry for the little story, but my question is he is telling my mother in law that he is making about 6000 dollars a month and that's he's on salary pay... 😕 I just want to know if this is true. From reading I hear you can make a lot of money by team driving, oil rigs, ice road trucking, and even working for Walmart but I still haven't even read anyone making 6000 a month unless you have your own truck.

Another question is my mother in law says she knows an independent truck driver and she asked him how much he made and he said 250k a year... Look, I don't drive... I can only tell you anything about corrections because that's what I do but trucking, that's a completely different hustle than mine. So I leave my question here. Thank you and drive careful out there.

1. Can you make 6k per month? Withing the 1st year? 2. Can you make 250k a year being a truck owner?

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