San Tan Valley, AZ
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Any other suggestions for choosing a trucking company...
What about Werner? Or is that not an option?
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Hey driver....just wanted you to know that I read your post but since I'm not OTR yet, I haven't a clue. Sorry.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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A mixture of emotions as orientation date approaches....
Best of luck to both of you - Sue and Miss Red. Butterflies? I haven't used that term in quite some time.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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It's Official and I Have My Ticket For The Ole Grey Dog
Hey, WTG!!! That's awesome. The best of luck to you.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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A mixture of emotions as orientation date approaches....
......in ten days....I leave Sunday, Feb. 7th for Omaha, NE to start my orientation and training with Werner on Monday, Feb. 8th. Whew!!! Find myself feeling excited yet in the next breath, I'm nervous, a little anxious and scared. I know, I know, put your big girl panties on Lynn...right?!! Just starting to pack and gather needed documentation etc. ~Each day, a new beginning.~ As much as I've wanted this career since high school and it's finally becoming a reality, I guess the emotions I'm feeling are probably the norm. *lets out breath* LOL I'll be in touch. In the meantime, drive safe.
cross posted in Ladies category
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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A mixture of emotions as orientation date approaches.....
......in ten days....I leave Sunday, Feb. 7th for Omaha, NE to start my orientation and training with Werner on Monday, Feb. 8th. Whew!!! Find myself feeling excited yet in the next breath, I'm nervous, a little anxious and scared. I know, I know, put your big girl panties on Lynn...right?!! Just starting to pack and gather needed documentation etc. ~Each day, a new beginning.~ As much as I've wanted this career since high school and it's finally becoming a reality, I guess the emotions I'm feeling are probably the norm. *lets out breath* LOL I'll be in touch. In the meantime, drive safe.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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From Driving School Bus to an 18 Wheeler
I started driving school bus last spring again after being on a 12 year sabbatical. Kept my CDL until spring of 2013, Let it go as I thought I'd never drive bus again. Alas, I went back, redid permits and road test and drive for five weeks until the end of school. This fall, I bid successfully and got my own route. I got the worst route in the district. After a month and a half of driving, my husband sat down with me in the middle of October and said basically "You're coming home very unhappy and you're stern with me and you're changing and it's not for the good. Why don't you try to achieve your DREAM? I about fainted and time stood still as I knew what he was referring to. Fast forward to now - I passed my road test this past weekend and hopefully will be in Omaha, NE to start orientation/training with Werner the second Monday in February. I'm so excited, can hardly stand it.
I'm so glad my husband spoke up. I should also add that I'm a veteran. I enlisted in the Army National Guard because I was too young to get into truck driving school. When I completed my enlistment time, I was still too young and then my life started on a different journey than the one I had intended to take. Now 35, almost 36 laters, I'm finally having the chance to achieve my DREAM. I got this and so can each and every one of you.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Women in Trucking national organization offers student memberships for only.....
$10 for the first year. Goes up to I think $25 the second year.
They have a Facebook group called "Women in Trucking" that has a membership of just about 9,400. It is a clean group - no profanity etc. and I have found a vast amount of information regarding all topics for female truck drivers. There are also a few men in the membership because of the team aspect. The roles include students like myself and others that have varying lengths of driving time. Check it out. Oh, you don't have to be a member of the WIT nat'l org. to belong to the Facebook group.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Left training. Need Honest input on next step.
I have found a additional resources on www.truckingtruth.com which is a website that was recommended to me through school. Check it out, it is free.
I've don't believe we've ever had someone come here to recommend our site to one of our visitors. Thank you!
No, THANK YOU Brett ~ Hey, when I find something great that works wonders for me, I spread the word about it to others Brett. On my CDL school's website - interstatedriving.com, if you click on New Students and then on Permit Test Prep, there in the last sentence is a link to your website AND if click on Resources, there's also a link to your website. So with me going ahead and checking out your website, I found tons of info that I found very useful, first off in preparing for my permit tests and second, the forums etc.
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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WOOHOO!!! YAY!!! YIPPEE!!!!! I DID IT!!!!......Passed my.....
drive test and backing and successfully tested out at the Werner terminal in Dallas, TX. Will get my truck on Monday. The rest of the weekend I can relax, gather my thoughts and prepare for the next leg of my journey. Be safe.
On another note, does anyone remember the name of the company that handles TV mounts for in the truck. There was a post regarding this and I've been looking back through past posts and have been unable to track it down. Any ideas? TIA