Profile For Joshua S.

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Posted:  9 months, 2 weeks ago

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Trying to find a SMALL carrier


"Knowing" you have brake and tire issues, isn't an excuse to continue using that truck. What type of truck? And do you go thru scales or no? lol If it were me, I think I'd find a way to be "inspected" then you'd be put out of service. THEN the owners would HAVE TO fix the truck, no if an's or butts about it.

It's YOUR butt on the line in case something bad were to happen because of said defects. Document what ever you do to CYA is my thoughts.


Stevo is giving good advice. Your life, livelihood, career and other lives are on the line. I feel bad for you being put in a situation like this.

Recently Brett commented that the time to take a stand as a driver is if you are asked to do something illegal or unsafe.

I agree 100% but also trying to give the owner a chance to make it right first. Getting shut down at a scale will greatly increase the cost of the repairs roadside.

Other than tires and brakes it’s a great running 2020 freight shaker. Sadly it’s an automatic which I hate. He’s trying to make arrangements to get the worst of the tires fixed first. Just got off the phone with him a minute ago. If nothing happens then I’ll resort to getting it inspected to cover my own ass. I don’t want to trash my CDL for this guy and not being able to be hired somewhere else

Posted:  9 months, 2 weeks ago

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Trying to find a SMALL carrier

Been an adventure for sure. Was long haul OTR for 13 years before I desired to try being a heavy tow operator. I knew coming back out after that long off the road was going to be challenging. But this company I landed at does not give a F&$@ about maintenance. My truck needs tires and brakes. Just hoping I can skate by for a few months and get the heck away from here

Posted:  9 months, 2 weeks ago

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Trying to find a SMALL carrier

Yes it is due to insurance. I was still working in the industry as a heavy tow operator towing many of these NEWER trucks.

I did find a small company that would let me run. Figured how bad could it be? I’m stuck here till I get enough verifiable experience to move on elsewhere

Turns out might of been a bad idea but I’ll do what I have to so I can move on somewhere else

Posted:  10 months, 1 week ago

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Trying to find a SMALL carrier


it’s all been NO because of no recent tractor trailer experience


Does anyone know why recent OTR experience is so important to many OTR companies? I've wondered this for 30 years and never heard a definitive answer.

My best guess is that they figure you came off the road because you didn't want to be OTR any longer, and you might be returning temporarily to 'fill a hole' in your finances or as a holdover while you look for another local job.

I'm sure the large carriers have statistics showing that someone without recent OTR experience is less likely to stick around and be successful, but I've never had the conversation with any higher-ups.

Anyone know? Any theories?

Seems to me it’s mostly just an insurance issue. Although for the past year and a half I’ve been insured at a motor carried with a DOT number and the whole deal but it’s not OTR or just conventional tractor trailer. Doesn’t help me get back out there tho.

Posted:  10 months, 1 week ago

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Trying to find a SMALL carrier

I can recommend Capacity Logistics in Clarksville, IN. They have a OTR job between Clarksville, IN and Birmingham, AL. The terminal manager, Ed, is solid. Very knowledgeable and a good dude. He’s a 20 year Army vet and 20? year trucker.

This might not be what you’re looking for because for one thing it’s flatbed and for another it’s all on the same I-65 corridor. Weekends off, rarely Saturday routes

Sounds like a lead I can check into. I just need to find anything to get me over this little hump.

Posted:  10 months, 2 weeks ago

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Trying to find a SMALL carrier

That’s what I’ve been doing so far. Might have one “maybe” but so far it’s all been NO because of no recent tractor trailer experience

Posted:  10 months, 2 weeks ago

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Trying to find a SMALL carrier

As a seasoned OTR driver of over 15 years I am finding it hard to find a company that’ll hire me. I can off the road a year and a half ago and tried my hand at running a heavy wrecker. Hauling broken wrecked trucks and trailers and such and is an FMCSA regulated DOT job.

I have a valid class a no restrictions and a good medical card.

However, major carriers don’t count this as truck and trailer experience. So I’m looking for a small company or some one who is leasing trucks on to a company that needs and OTR driver.

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