Penrose, CO
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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I am the wife of an amazing truck driver, who retired from the military... TRust me folks, there's nothing tougher than a military wife, or a truckers wife, you combine the two you've got one tough bitch who won't take shit from no one, to include my AMAZING husband.
He just started the process of trying to get hired on with Melton, let's keep our fingers crossed, since he went to CDL school, he's paid some serious dues, driving for shit companies, big and small to get the experience needed to be afforded the opportunity to drive for a company like Melton! So cross your fingers, think positive thoughts, and say some prayers that this can finally happen for us.
Posted: 9 years, 3 months ago
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I'm in!!! Orientation with Melton Truck Lines in Tulsa, OK
Heya GUYs! My name is Ashley I go by the nickname on here, or Scooter, I'll answer to just about anything, and if you call me something I don't like, odds are, you won't like what I respond with ;)
My AMAZING husband, retired from the Army back in 2013, used his GI Bill to go to a private driving school, got his CDL, and his first OTR gig was with a **** company, treated their equipment like ****, treated their drivers like ****, and if you were the family member of a driver, Forggetaboutit! Although, when we were stationed at Fort Campbell, they use to call me Mouth of the South, probably because I speak up when I think somethings wrong...
ANyway, my husband left steven's got his tanker endorsement went to the dakotas, unfortunately the guy he worked for up there was a shady cat, and had a less than desireable moral and ethical character both personally and professionally. So he transitioned from there to first fleet, great company, he needed something at least dedicated regional if not local for a while due to some health issues I was having... But he as he puts it, is tired of being confined to the same road, in the same places, with the same loads, around the same idiot drivers day in and day out.
He's recently started the application process with MElton, now mind you, he's got 10+ years of driving experience and I mean actual truck/hauling/driving with the Army, mostly hauling Jersey barriers (concrete barriers along construction sites, and directional dividers on major highways/interstates) i know the vast majority of companies don't count military driving experience toward a civilian sector career, but hell he was THE actually Master Driver/Brigade driver trainer for his BDE...
The point of this long rambling gets down to the following...:
Does anyone know if Melton will count and include Military experience at all? Does Melton look at Melton experience, (his being the Master Driver/Driver TRainer, or the fact that the format he designed for training soldiers on how to drive the HETs *HEavy equipment transporters/the REALLY BIG trucks in the army* or on how to drive the rest of the trucking vehicles the Army uses) will they at least take that into consideration? And based on your own personal experience/knowledge, what's the minimum length of time you've got to have in the civilian sector before Melton will hire you?
I know a lot of this is on the website and the recruit brochure he's recently received in the mail, however, I often find that personal experience has more HONESTY in it, and is less of a sales pitch. DOn't get me wrong, being in the military world for 15 years teaches you to sniff out the BS, and unfortunately, just because someone spews it from their mouth doesn't mean their breath always stinks LOL...
SO this is my very first post to these forums, i hope I haven't offended anyone, as I said above, I am very blunt, very outspoken, very opionated, and I tend to not be very politically correct about it... ha...
But any advice or guidance you'd be willing to share or pass along would be greatly appreciated...
In addition to that, any other veterans on here wanting to relate, My husband started out as a 12B combat engineer, he went into EOD for a few years, and after some real close calls, they gave him the option of going into supply, driving a desk, or driving a truck. His response "I don't need to, want to, and have no desire to be in a closet all day, I damn sure don't want to drive a desk, so give me 88m (truck driver) so that's what he did for 8-10 years...
I look forward to being on here more and more, meeting new people, forging new relationships and making new friends...
Posted: 9 years, 3 months ago
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I'm in!!! Orientation with Melton Truck Lines in Tulsa, OK
He was terminated from first fleet back in AUgust the reason, well he had received a ticket for ALLEGEDLY taking out a light pole... According to the cop there was a witness... My husband said oh hell no, and said he was going to fight it. He was fired for the following reason "We can't help defend you on something that has a witness." Well, he got the charges dropped, dismissed, exponged. He was honest about this incident to melton as to why he left first fleet... ANd they said until he's got 3 months of good driving again they can't hire him... Really bummed...