Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Hello everyone. I just spoke to a recruiter at Prime about getting into their driver training program. He said my application looked good and was ready to sign me up when he stopped and said that they don't hire drivers from where I live. I am in a small town about 3 hours from Denver CO, in the northwest corner of the state, in the middle of nowhere basically. Does anyone know if there are any companies that would consider training/hiring me or do I need to move closer to the Denver area? I am flexible, just not sure where to go from here. Thanks!
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Do I need to move?
Thanks for the reply G-town. I was living in the Denver area and decided to move back to my hometown because rent got so high, it didn't make sense to pay $1200 per month rent if I would only be home 4-5 days per month. I used the (very helpful) high road training program to pass my written tests and now have my cdl permit in CO. I am currently browsing the company sponsored training link for another option. The holidays are over and I am ready to start a new career, just hoping I won't have to move again to get accepted to a program. Any other advice from anyone from a small town would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again!