Niagara Falls , NY
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Experienced Driver
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I drive flatbed for E.W. Wylie, a Daseke Company, based out of West Fargo, ND
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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Using The Throttle While Letting Out On The Clutch
I have done it both ways, and stalled it both ways. For me, I guess it depends on the particular situation. Right or wrong, I will continue to do it both ways
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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I have a friend who drives for USA Truck. They were trying to recruit him to run "Amazon Dedicated," but he likes his GP dedicated gig, too much.
At first, it did seem like it was mainly o/o who were pulling the Bezos Buckets, but those rates are steadily dropping, to the point where the bigger companies can do it for less.
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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70 Hour Logbook Recaps explained with pictures.
I am at the Smithton Flying Pilot. Technically, my delivery is in West Mifflin. Who knows, we may cross paths.
I currently have 2h21m on my 70, I get 9h27m back to deliver tomorrow 22 miles away, in Pittsburgh. My preplan will then get me to my next destination, with a reset built into my routing. I might be able to deliver Monday, and keep recapping. But we shall see. My recap hours are OK, but I had a Murphy's Law week, with load shift, trailer issues, and a few other issues.
I’m parked outside Sysco in Harmony PA now.
Pick up tomorrow in Pittsburgh after I deliver here
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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70 Hour Logbook Recaps explained with pictures.
I currently have 2h21m on my 70, I get 9h27m back to deliver tomorrow 22 miles away, in Pittsburgh. My preplan will then get me to my next destination, with a reset built into my routing. I might be able to deliver Monday, and keep recapping. But we shall see. My recap hours are OK, but I had a Murphy's Law week, with load shift, trailer issues, and a few other issues.
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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What have you learned from Trucking Truth?
Stay off parkways, what to have handy in the truck, not to give up.
Parkways! I love Parkways. So little truck traffic.
I am only 12ft, soooooooooo, I might have to try one of them parkways out.
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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Swift walmart dedicated out of Grandview
To elaborate on what Danielsahn wrote:
You will have anywhere from 1 stop (occasionally) to 5-stops and anything in-between. The last stop is often a vendor backhaul. Reefers are always live-unload (about 35-45 minutes per stop), dry is live unload, frequently last stop is drop & hook.
So obviously I'm gonna mostly be at Walmart docks, but for backhauls, would i be stopping at another company's docks? Also do Walmart's let you sleep in their lots usually? Either way thank you! I'll update you when it comes time for me to upgrade
And thanks all!
Americold, water bottling plants, dairy warehouses, egg farms, and the like, for your backhauls. You will sometimes run to other DC's.
Most Walmart and Sam's clubs will let you park there, because you are a Walmart Contractor, pulling Walmart property.
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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What have you learned from Trucking Truth?
Not a dang thing!!!
Just, kidding. To be honest, I don't even know where to begin. But I think the most important thing, is clock management. Seeing the examples by Old School, Rainy, and Turtle, to name a few, helped me to see where I can manipulate the clock to work with my appt times.
A lot of my success is due to the many guys and gals, that make up the TT family.
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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Swift walmart dedicated out of Grandview
G. O. A. L - G. O. A. L - G. O. A. L
Take as many pull ups as you need, whether it's 1 or 1,000.
Never let yourself be rushed, by your own self, and by other people. Take your time.
Watch your space, in the lots and on the streets.
It doesn't matter if it's NE, SE, SW or whatever region. Every Walmart and Sam's Club has it's own personality. As you progress in the account, you will gain confidence.
And welcome to TT
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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Using The Throttle While Letting Out On The Clutch
With a car inches from my bumper, on a steep enough hill, I will always finesse the pedal as I release the clutch. On flat ground, I just let the truck go.
The proper way to shift is double clutching, but how many actually double clutch every single time? Sometimes I only clutch to slip it out of gear, then float it into gear. Sometimes I just float it, with no clutch. Sometimes I will double clutch. Like I said, it is situational. No one can say they did /do it textbook, every single time.