I rarely post on webpages but I am really enjoying this one so I wanted to be part of it.
I am recently a single mom and decided that for the first time ever I was going to go and Do something for me. So I decided to go back to school and learn to drive truck and learn some heavy machinery too. Boy...I did not expect the huge lack of support! Silly me expected friends and family to back me. I have ONE person who has been by my side since I decided to do this.
I have so much to prove to myself and I just want to give encouragement to you ladies who are doing the same. Screw the haters, do this for yourself! It's going to be hard enough without having a bunch of jerks yipping in your ear. Study hard, push yourself and get things done.
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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New Life...
I rarely post on webpages but I am really enjoying this one so I wanted to be part of it.
I am recently a single mom and decided that for the first time ever I was going to go and Do something for me. So I decided to go back to school and learn to drive truck and learn some heavy machinery too. Boy...I did not expect the huge lack of support! Silly me expected friends and family to back me. I have ONE person who has been by my side since I decided to do this.
I have so much to prove to myself and I just want to give encouragement to you ladies who are doing the same. Screw the haters, do this for yourself! It's going to be hard enough without having a bunch of jerks yipping in your ear. Study hard, push yourself and get things done.
I'm 39... Life is just beginning!
Bernie KW Canada