I started "coming here" just before finding "all expense" paid training. Boy what a toll that took on me. A year later and an accident later I finally found the employer that doesn't blow diesel up your butt. I rode with said "all expense" paid training company and was miserable. I mean wanna get outta trucking bad, then I found a company who cleared the air and sat down with me and said........... I am now more confident in me as a driver but more importantly them as my company. I'm still here still reading and learning from posts, blogs and hey look at this type of information, please y'all keep guys like me trucking and doing so right here and out here on the road, if you see a great back jo could jest be a guy like me who read it then dun it! Thanks TT family, keeps the wheels down.
Posted: 7 years ago
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How long did they last in trucking?
I started "coming here" just before finding "all expense" paid training. Boy what a toll that took on me. A year later and an accident later I finally found the employer that doesn't blow diesel up your butt. I rode with said "all expense" paid training company and was miserable. I mean wanna get outta trucking bad, then I found a company who cleared the air and sat down with me and said........... I am now more confident in me as a driver but more importantly them as my company. I'm still here still reading and learning from posts, blogs and hey look at this type of information, please y'all keep guys like me trucking and doing so right here and out here on the road, if you see a great back jo could jest be a guy like me who read it then dun it! Thanks TT family, keeps the wheels down.