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Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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I met a guy who seems very happy working for a freight broker. Sounds better than my OTR gig. Anybody know anything about this?
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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I recently returned to trucking after a six year absence. It wasn't nearly as hard as I had imagined. I could still float the gears, back up and go down a mountain with not much problem. What has struck me the most is how badly truck drivers are treated. I have had to start over again at the bottom, so I am considered a first year driver, so maybe that's it. If I talk to anyone at my company, then are often condescending and dismissive. I asked other drivers about this and they agree. We are just dirt bag truck drivers, a dime a dozen. I don't think it's justified, as truck drivers aren't the morons we are claimed to be. I just stopped talking to the office staff and only use the qualcomm. Is it like this everywhere? Are there any companies that are nice to their drivers?
Posted: 11 years, 9 months ago
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LOL, it's not that bad. Southeast Asia. They don't have that many cows and they slice the beef too thin. Regardless, be glad to get home to Georgia soon.
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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Thanks for the info, guys! I do have tax returns, so I should be set. That idea about linked in is a good one also. Looking forward to eating a decent steak. Can't find one here.
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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Hi. I have been working overseas for about 4 years, but I am homesick and am coming back. I am imagining how this might fly with trucking companies. I have contracts, letters of service from the organizations and passport stamps as proof, but there is a 12 hour time difference and I doubt the personnel office is going to work late to call my references. These people speak English, but they will probably answer the phone in a foreign language.
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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I would like some honest opinions about whether or not I should even try to get back into trucking, maybe it is not possible. Was fired by JB Hunt 5 years ago because the tandems came out of the back. It was an old rust bucket of a trailer that I should not have hauled. I did a tug test. Made a mistake. Was not cited by police, perfectly clean license. No damage to property or people. Worked there 2 years and was told I was a top driver. Had 4 years experience total. I have another job, but wonder if I could ever get back into the field. My question is: How long before a company would agree to hire me again, if ever? Are these things ever "forgiven". I still have my CDL with no violations in over 5 years. What should I do, just apply and see what they say?
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Finishing first year with same company
I worked for PTL for six months, then was offered a non-trucking job overseas for 11 months. Seemed like a one time chance so I took it and had a blast. I am now coming back to trucking and PTL agrees to rehire me. But I wonder if I can do better than PTL with six months experience. Do you guys think I should go back and finish my year before changing companies? Does it matter at all? Thanks for your input.