Profile For Tim H.

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    11 years, 10 months ago

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Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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Finishing first year with same company

I worked for PTL for six months, then was offered a non-trucking job overseas for 11 months. Seemed like a one time chance so I took it and had a blast. I am now coming back to trucking and PTL agrees to rehire me. But I wonder if I can do better than PTL with six months experience. Do you guys think I should go back and finish my year before changing companies? Does it matter at all? Thanks for your input.

Posted:  10 years, 7 months ago

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Working for a broker

I met a guy who seems very happy working for a freight broker. Sounds better than my OTR gig. Anybody know anything about this?

Posted:  10 years, 9 months ago

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Lack of respect

I recently returned to trucking after a six year absence. It wasn't nearly as hard as I had imagined. I could still float the gears, back up and go down a mountain with not much problem. What has struck me the most is how badly truck drivers are treated. I have had to start over again at the bottom, so I am considered a first year driver, so maybe that's it. If I talk to anyone at my company, then are often condescending and dismissive. I asked other drivers about this and they agree. We are just dirt bag truck drivers, a dime a dozen. I don't think it's justified, as truck drivers aren't the morons we are claimed to be. I just stopped talking to the office staff and only use the qualcomm. Is it like this everywhere? Are there any companies that are nice to their drivers?

Posted:  11 years, 9 months ago

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Overseas Work History

LOL, it's not that bad. Southeast Asia. They don't have that many cows and they slice the beef too thin. Regardless, be glad to get home to Georgia soon.

Posted:  11 years, 10 months ago

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Overseas Work History

Thanks for the info, guys! I do have tax returns, so I should be set. That idea about linked in is a good one also. Looking forward to eating a decent steak. Can't find one here.

Posted:  11 years, 10 months ago

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Overseas Work History

Hi. I have been working overseas for about 4 years, but I am homesick and am coming back. I am imagining how this might fly with trucking companies. I have contracts, letters of service from the organizations and passport stamps as proof, but there is a 12 hour time difference and I doubt the personnel office is going to work late to call my references. These people speak English, but they will probably answer the phone in a foreign language.

Posted:  11 years, 10 months ago

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Getting back into trucking

I would like some honest opinions about whether or not I should even try to get back into trucking, maybe it is not possible. Was fired by JB Hunt 5 years ago because the tandems came out of the back. It was an old rust bucket of a trailer that I should not have hauled. I did a tug test. Made a mistake. Was not cited by police, perfectly clean license. No damage to property or people. Worked there 2 years and was told I was a top driver. Had 4 years experience total. I have another job, but wonder if I could ever get back into the field. My question is: How long before a company would agree to hire me again, if ever? Are these things ever "forgiven". I still have my CDL with no violations in over 5 years. What should I do, just apply and see what they say?

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