Profile For Tracy B.

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Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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Exemployer telling lies to kept me from getting a job

Tracy, could you elaborate?

As a former employer I see no benefit for them by lying about you. What is the situation and how are they spinning it?

they only have 4 trucks there not I very good company. I made a mistake by hiring on with them. The girl is just doing it because I got mouthing with her. And she wants to get my ass back. Lol I messed up

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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Exemployer telling lies to kept me from getting a job

If it is a current employer, most likely. Is there anyone there you could use as a reference? Also, try calling a company before applying and explaining the situation. My boss has been known to fire people if he finds out they are looking for a new job. Good luck.

I work for them in March. For about three weeks. do I have to put them on my application.

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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Exemployer telling lies to kept me from getting a job

Curious about this claim as well. When a potential employer calls for employment verification, the only information exchanged is work dates and ability to be re hired. There isn't a long questionnaire that allows a former employer to slander you or pass along their own stories, hence the reason they've gotten pretty straightforward about the process.

People lie on people every day. I sure if I sue her she going to say she never said that. It's going to be her word to my word. I just don't think I should have to use them on my application. And wanted to know if a had to. I'm not lieing about this why would I. Lol

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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Exemployer telling lies to kept me from getting a job

Tracy, do you have some verifiable information that this is taking place, or is this just an assumption on your part? Do you know for sure this is the reason you can't land a job?

You got your CDL approximately six months ago. If you have not been working as a truck driver during that time, that is more likely the reason for companies not being willing to hire you. They want you fresh out of school.

What have you been doing all this time? Why did they pay for me to take a drug test and do a background check if that was the case.

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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Exemployer telling lies to kept me from getting a job

Curious about this claim as well. When a potential employer calls for employment verification, the only information exchanged is work dates and ability to be re hired. There isn't a long questionnaire that allows a former employer to slander you or pass along their own stories, hence the reason they've gotten pretty straightforward about the process.

Hey that's what I thought to do you think I would of put them on the application if I knew she would say that. Do you think I can afforded a lawyer to sue a two bit trucking company and have to get the other trucking company involved do you think there going to go to court with me. Lol

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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Exemployer telling lies to kept me from getting a job

Tracy, do you have some verifiable information that this is taking place, or is this just an assumption on your part? Do you know for sure this is the reason you can't land a job?

You got your CDL approximately six months ago. If you have not been working as a truck driver during that time, that is more likely the reason for companies not being willing to hire you. They want you fresh out of school. What have you been doing all this time?

All I got to go by is what the man told me I don't see why he would. Lie to me about that I didn't ask him to go to court and prove this girl said that. The girl is the boss's daughters wife. And she was a jailer before they caught her selling drugs to the inmates. So if that tells you what type of person she is . I'm just mad at myself for ever going to work for them in the first place . I just getting into trucking and this is what I got to deal with.

Posted:  8 years, 9 months ago

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Exemployer telling lies to kept me from getting a job

I have a former employer who is telling lies to keep me from getting a job. Do I have to put them on my job application.

Posted:  9 years, 3 months ago

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Just want to let you all now that i went back and retested for the 3rd time and i passed got my class cdl

Just want to let you all now that i went back and retested for the 3rd time and i passed got my class cdl

Posted:  9 years, 3 months ago

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How To You Know If Schools Are Certified?

how do you find out if you cdl training school and instructer are certified

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