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Posted:  8 years, 9 months ago

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What Would You Do?

If I parked somewhere and had to leave,my truck I would take a,note on the door saying I received permission from the owner/manager to park there. And leave my number with the,manager.

Posted:  8 years, 9 months ago

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I meant 9th gear not 928 gear loll

Really need an edit button on this forum

Posted:  8 years, 9 months ago

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I'm not a driver but I watched videos on shifting. A trainer mentioned adding the MPH numbers to give you the best idea of what gear to be in but I'm not exactly sure it applies to downshifting.

For example if you are going 45 4+5 is 9 so you go in 928th gear. 35 mph is 8 so you go in 8th and so on. 55and up is obviously 10th.

Posted:  8 years, 9 months ago

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Any women gone through Prime training?











I'm also an introvert I love,my own space. You are a cutie I wouldn't mind being stuck in a truck with you.)





Real classy. Way to alleviate her fears about male truckers.




Read my mind. Just isn't the time to comment about being "stuck with me on a truck." Anxiety is through the roof.



Sorry I guess the part where you say you are " very playful" and like to joke around was misread by me.


I get it. It was a joke. Chose to ignore it until you became sarcastic with another poster. I'm here to calm my nerves. It's not the appropriate time to comment on my appearance or being confined with me when that's exactly why I made the post.

I don't recall being sarcastic unless I replied to something sarcastic. Forget I exist sorry to offend you.

And to clarify what I meant was I rather be trapped in a truck with a,cute girl 's some gross smelly old man trucker.

Carry on and good luck in your career.

Posted:  8 years, 9 months ago

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Any women gone through Prime training?

People will always have horror stories. I would suggest going to youtube, and looking up a few female driver vlogs, such as Berna Schneider, who pulls glass for Maverick, or Trucker Janelle, who drives for Hirschach, and Allie Knight, who drives for Jim Palmer. All of them are great vlogs, and should do well to put some of your fears to rest. Trucker Janelle specifically addresses some of your issues in a few of her vlogs.

Welcome to TT

Stay safe

I wouldn't suggest her watching allie knight because she said she had a male trainer and it was horrible and things were done she didn't want to talk about.

Posted:  8 years, 9 months ago

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What were the others since you don't mind talking about it.


the two that are now misdemeanors, because they changed the $ amount, are that I over drafted my debit card, and a check, on the same day, to the same business in 2 different cities. final charges, Illegal use of a financial transaction device, and uttering and publishing. both under $25, (2002) the country store, used one of the old CC manual swiper things. The judge even saw that I did have money in my acct, but other bills debited before the check, and DC hit the bank. But for whatever reason, I was used as an example, to the rest of the people being sentenced that day. The smashing mailboxes, final charge, Malicious Destruction of property over $100 (1992) And lastly. This one has a back story, so I will abbreviate it. I have two children, and my ex wife and I still get along great. I was paying child support, but not through FOC. So when I had a show cause hearing, The judge, decided that while it was good that I paid,( and we both kept receipts showing I paid ), I did not pay through them, so I had to REPAY all that money AGAIN! that did not sit well with me, so I made the situation worse by opening my mouth, thus, my 4th felony. I think the judge had it in for me, because my dad flunked him in high school that last one was in 2003.

As you can see, I am a hardened criminal. NOT

I'm not going to reply we will just leave it alone don't want to get in a ****ing match.

Posted:  8 years, 9 months ago

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I'm not ashamed of my past at all. One felony I might be able to look past when hiring and the keyword is might but 2,3 and 4 no way. Most of society doesn't have a criminal history so why would I even think to hire a felon? But this industry seems to attract felons it by what I've been reading.


"You" was a catchall, not intended for just you, but every "you" who may read it.

oh, and nowadays, 2 of my felonies are now classified as misdemeanors had i committed them today. 1 of them is easily looked past, as many recruiters have already told me, and the last one, was the 25 year old one. I got caught delivering unauthorized messages to local mailboxes on the side of the road. 5 days after I turned 18, DOH!!!

What were the others since you don't mind talking about it.

Posted:  8 years, 9 months ago

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I'm not ashamed of my past at all. One felony I might be able to look past when hiring and the keyword is might but 2,3 and 4 no way. Most of society doesn't have a criminal history so why would I even think to hire a felon? But this industry seems to attract felons it by what I've been reading.

Posted:  8 years, 9 months ago

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Any women gone through Prime training?

Another YouTube guy Indiana Jack I think his name is. He is real fun to watch and amazingly calm in bad situations that pop up.

Posted:  8 years, 9 months ago

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Any women gone through Prime training?

As a man looking to go to Prime this spring, even I'm racked with anxiety about having to share a hotel room and truck cab with someone. And as far as getting into fist fights, that would be immediate dismissal at any company. My plan is to keep my head down, follow orders, don't speak unless spoken to, stay alert, listen to my trainer, suck it up, and get along as best I can until the final own truck. That's the goal. Just keep that in mind at all times.

Yeah I personally wouldn't get into a fist fight but I'm sure a lot of other dudes would.

I'm just saying a lot of,guys don't have patience to handle another dude yelling at him.

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