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Experienced Driver
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Departed site.
Posted: 11 months, 3 weeks ago
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And just like the blink of an eye, another catastrophe. I got fired today for "complaining too much about every load, and not being a team player" according to management. Neither are true, but voicing concerns is seen as complaints here apparently. No citations, no claims, every load on time, and clean inspections just weren't cutting it....
Posted: 11 months, 3 weeks ago
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you dont have the lower rubber valances on yours, did that come that way?
Ordered without these for that reason. All the trucks ordered are highly customized from the manufacturer instead of being spec'd as the majority of larger carriers vehicles.
Posted: 11 months, 3 weeks ago
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Postcards from the Road! (Post Yours Please!)
Assorted winter pictures from October through January in Wyoming and Montana. I haven't seen as much snow this year, but -32° is the coldest I've had in the Lower 48.
Posted: 11 months, 3 weeks ago
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Why is finding a school so difficult?
Trying for hire on with a company that will train and offer you a job, too? It could be your location (CA), and it could also be the economy situation (D.C.) that are two factors. Companies are extremely selective on who is considered with less freight now and into the near future.
How many companies did you send in applications to?
Posted: 11 months, 3 weeks ago
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Update and Overtime Gripe for Local Drivers
What's overtime pay?
Posted: 11 months, 3 weeks ago
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I'd like to become a driver, but having trouble finding what I need...
You're thinking of commuting between Eden and Fayetteville each day? Good luck staying awake.
Posted: 11 months, 3 weeks ago
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Perhaps it's good that he gets in the industry and fails permanently in short order. We are still grossly over capacity and the last thing the industry needs is one more body in the seat. I too am a big fan of Darwin.
That's the direction I'm leaning towards, too.
Posted: 11 months, 3 weeks ago
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Thinking of Packrat...
Yeah I did too, until this afternoon. I knew in my heart this was going to be my final company, as in I finally found the one where I loved working. Do everything right and office people I've never met ruin everything I had achieved in six months for what? I definitely have nothing good to say about this company.